Part 7: Pesadilla de Ojos Verdes

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He rubbed the bags under his eyes, though he'd laid down, closed his eyes, and shut out all outside noises, the thoughts remained. Why wouldn't they go away? Like lint on clothes, they stuck to every living fiber of his mind. They weren't even his voice.

It was Michaels. "Wake up, traitor, we've got work to do." His voice sounded close, not within his own headspace, but in the room itself. He shivered, preparing for the worst. Slowly, he opened his eyes, gazing around the room. Nothing. He sighed, laying back down, "Get up, you worthless waste of flesh"

He jolted up, throwing himself over the side of the bed. He stood up, looking around the room once more. There, in the corner of the room, shrouded in light, leg over the other, all ten fingers touching their counterparts, Michael sat. Those same dark purple robes cloaked around him. "W-what the hell? How are you alive?!"

"I've died before, it's not always permanent, you know?"

"I'm done being your pawn, there's nothing you can gain from me."

He found, cocking his head curiously, "And you think I can't just take your body over?"

He gasped, pressing his body into the wall behind him, "Y-you're bluffing."

"Am I?"

"Get out of my life!"

"You think you can get away from me that easily?"

"I never wanted any part of you and your group, just let me have what I have left of my life!"

"It's cute that you think you get to decide what I do with your 

"Please, just leave me alone, I just got my life back together!"

"You think I care? I'll use you and all your friends If I please, then I'll force you to watch as I kill them."

He fell to his knees, clasping his hands together, "Please, leave me alone!"

"Yes, kneel for me, pray to me, beg me for mercy!" Michael approached him, slowly making each step. each step creaked the wooden floor, thunderous footsteps rang of each one.

His eyes opened widely, stinging sharply from lack of sleep. He jolted up, swiftly throwing a punch at the figure before him. "Get the hell out of my life you inconsiderate asshole!"

"Ein, Calm down!" 

He jolted awake, still kneeling on the floor, "I-" she gasped.

"I-I'm so sorry," tears erupted from his eyes, cascading down his cheeks faster than he could stop them, "I-I never meant to-"

She kneeled beside him, "Ein, your eye..." she lifted her hand to his left eye.

"M-my eye?" he shot up, bolting toward the bathroom. He gazed firmly into the mirror through teary eyes, staring straight back...

Green, piercing emerald green. 

Dumbfounded, he simply stared into the mismatched eye. more tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

"How did this happen?"

I-I don't know... It just... I..."


"I-it's not what you think."

"What were you dreaming about?"

"M-Michael... h-he came to me in my sleep, he just antagonized me... that's what I was dreaming about."

"What did he say?"

"He wants to kill everyone... you, me, Aaron... and every one of your friends... I just, I need- I need-"

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