The Cow Jumped Over the Moon

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Vietmulti kanghehetmon here we go again-

Lee Donghyuck

Honestly if you can tell me what the date is, I won't make you grade this

I don't even know where to start with this show. I guess the best way to explain it would be: imagine a whole bunch of innocent characters from TV shows from your childhood. Now mash them all together and create scenarios you never would have been allowed to watch as a kid, but not for nudity reasons. That's probably the only thing this doesn't have.

Apparently this show made three seasons, the third one being recalled and taken off of every single platform it was produced on. Somehow Yuta ended up with a copy of the third season, and Sungchan and Hendery made me watch it with them just in case it ended on a cliff hanger so I could finish it off for them.

So this show is called The Cow Jumped Over the Moon, giving it the impression that it's a kids show. They couldn't have gotten any further.

Disclaimer: I've only seen season three and season two was briefly recapped for me. No one will talk about season one, they all just get a blank look in their eyes when I ask.

It sounds lovely.

To try to explain whatever I just watched, season three felt more like a season one. Almost as if they mixed them up because it was highly focused on Twilight Sparkle and her road to evil. Then again, I don't know what season one was, so maybe this was intentional.

In season two we saw the cat that moos run away with Bert and Ernie in a jail break, and in this season we get to know why the cat that moos was in jail. She murdered Applejack in front of Twilight Sparkle, causing her to go crazy. She spiked Pinky Pie's cakes and caused her to go to a mental asylum, rigged Rainbow Dashes' flying gear so she got into a massive accident, and ripped apart Rarity's dresses at a fashion show and she faced a huge loss.

Now this outburst is never fully explained, but I'm pretty sure it's because she couldn't believe they were moving on so quickly over Applejack's death. Twilight Sparkle got mad they were able to move on so quickly, and she was upset they were moving on, so she raged.

At least I think.

And because her friends then cut all ties with her, she went to go check how her ex, Barbie, was doing, just to find she was with Ken. So this all apparently leads to when Twilight Sparkle disguised herself as Ken and got together with Toad from Frog and Toad and everything that happened in season two.

Somehow all of that ended up being only two episodes of the twenty episode season.

The rest of the season followed Musa, a part pixie part imp fairy detective. She was trying to follow the trail of crimes Twilight Sparkle had created, and Twilight Sparkle disguised as Ken helped her out in the creepiest way possible. Like she was directly leading Musa to exactly what she needed knowing that she wouldn't be able to find Twilight Sparkle because she looked like Ken.

She also planned to sell out Musa as an imposter fairy to her department before she got to Ken's body decaying in a closet. She succeeded, and Musa was banned from her position and Twilight got off scotch free.

And the last episode showed Minnie getting her head chopped off by Darth Vader's light saber because she was messing with his relationship with Wreck it Ralph.

As for what happens after this madness, I don't think anyone can predict that. There's just way too much going on.

So I'm going to have fun with this.

Because Twilight left Ken in the back of Barbie's dream closet in a place Twilight knew she didn't go to often, Barbie found him one day and went ape.

No like she turned into Donkey Kong and literally went ape.

Mario then saw that Donkey Kong was back and completely threw away his redemption arc and dedicated his life to defeating him again and framing Luigi even though he was already in jail for what Mario last framed him for. He recruited the cat the moos even though she had promised Bert and Ernie she wouldn't go back to her life of crime, and together they killed Donkey Kong.

Elsa then got together with Musa to expose Twilight, but Twilight killed her and she died in Belle and Cinderella's arms, her lovers.

I bet the show would end with Mickey finally remembering that he had to make his clubhouse appear, and finally truly smiling because he knew Minnie could never hurt him again.

I'm so sorry you had to read this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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