Nim's Island

109 14 17

Lee Donghyuck (do I actually have to keep using my real name?)

Time is irrelevant and so is the date

Nim's Island is a masterpiece that was lost in the midst of so many other movies that had the money to promote themselves. To make sure you understand how amazing it is, I'm going to walk you through the movie before I tell you how they continued living after the cameras stopped rolling. (ha this time it's not animated so it really is after the cameras stopped rolling! take that!)

Nim's Island is of course the name of the island Nim lives on. She's pretty creative. Surprisingly this movie wasn't produced by Disney, which I would've guessed it was since her mom is dead. A whale swallowed her up and that's a whole story on it's own.

On this island Nim and her Dad do whatever normal people do. You know- cut coconuts off trees, live in a high tech treehouse, have a pet sea lion, lizard and pelican, and never go to school. They're the only people that live on the island, and they're pretty happy to keep it that way.

Now naturally the dad goes off on an exploration at sea to find some new species of plankton, leaving the 11 year old girl at home on her own. Completely alone. Not the best choice he could've made, but it's a dang good thing he did because he got caught up in a storm and almost died at least four times in the movie, but he was saved by my boi Galileo, the pelican. He's the GOAT.

(As Johnny would like me to point out, goat is the one that goes baaa, GOAT is the one that's like Stephen Curry. Chenle gave that example)

So while Daddy-o is off swallowing sea water, Nim takes over his email and starts talking with an author in San Francisco who needs help with her book. (string danger but you do you hun) This author just happens to go by the same name as her very successful character, Alex Rover, and Nim just so happens to very much look up to this very fictional character. Because while book Alex Rover is dope and can get himself out of any dangerous situation, author Alex Rover can't even leave her house because *anxiety*

To speed this summary up, a cruise ship tries to tourism (might be using that word wrong but you can sue me) Nim's island and she uses flying lizards to attack them and scare them away while author Alex Rover goes on several flights and really strange journeys to get to Nim because her dumb butt fell from a volcano and scraped her knee.

Naturally the cruise people are chased away, author Alex Rover gets to the island (Nim's a whole butt about it because author Alex Rover is nothing like book Alex Rover) and just as you're led to believe the dad has finally died, he arrives.

That's basically how the movie ends, but not here it doesn't.

Author Alex Rover has a lot of fears and *anxiety* she'd have to work through if she was really going to stay on the island, and neither Nim or her dad that totally should've died would know how to help her. So as soon as she can she's back in San Francisco where she goes to therapy, finishes the book she had started and just left there.

Nim's talking to her this whole time of course. And the dad. I'm just now remembering that his name is Jack and he almost got death by sunken ship. Titanic Jack could never.

So author Alex Rover is in San Francisco for another year or two before she joins Nim and Jack on the island again. By now Nim is a teenager, and is really looking forward to having an actual mother figure again. The sea lion just wasn't cutting it.

One would think Jack and author Alex Rover would be a couple and have a tropical island wedding with the sunset and Galileo the pelican officiating. But that's too cliche and we're not here for that.

Plus Jack just can't get over the death of wife number one and author Alex Rover sees him as too much of a colleague (the spelling of that word is so dumb) after he helped her with the research for her book. So the two remain very good friends.

Author Alex Rover of course takes Nim to San Francisco once, and Nim almost dies from the extreme difference between an island no one knows about and a very populated city. That's when Nim learns oh boy is she a lesbian.

These people get a happy ending because they weren't problematic and they lived very nice lives. That's what happens when you're nice to people. Or so I've been told. Sounds kinda sketchy though. You try it first and let me know how it goes for you.

It's too peaceful in the basement so now I've got to fix that.

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