Ambush part 1

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Ziva sighed as she tried to salvage the supplies, she, Master Yoda, and some of the clones were sent to the dried coral moon of Rugosa to convince King Katuunko to allow the Republic to build a base in Toydarian territory.

But they ran into some complications because when they got to the planet they were attacked by the Separatists, luckily they managed to get to an escape pod and land on the planet, but there pod crashed so they would now have to walk to the spot where the King said to meet them.

Yoda then contacts the king of Rugosa and he answers, the King said "master Yoda I thought perhaps Count Dooku had frightened you off."

Ziva shakes her head and says "We have been delayed but we're not too far away, we were unaware that Count Dooku was invited to to our meeting."

The King looks at Ventress and says "The Count invited himself. He assures me that in this time of war, his droids can offer my world greater security than your Jedi."

Yoda says "Hmmm, a matter of debate that is." Ventress then says "Your Majesty might prefer more than words." Ziva glares at her and says "What do you have in mind?"

Ventress smirks and says "If Yoda is indeed the Jedi warrior you believe he is, let him prove it. Allow me to send my best troops to capture him. If he escapes, join the Republic. But should my droids defeat Yoda, consider an alliance with the Separatists."

The King glares at Ventress and says "I did not request Yoda's presence here to test him and his comrades in battle." Yoda stops him though and says "Accept the challenge, I do, Your Highness. Arrive by nightfall, we will." Before he hangs up.

They then hear Yoda say "Beautiful, this moon is. Amazing, the universe is." Ziva decides to focus on the mission and says "There's gotta be a full battalion back there."

Thire nods and says "Probably packin' armor, too. We'll have somethin' for 'em." Yoda looks at them and says "Carry only what you need. Too much weight, slow you down, it will. Destroy Ventress, your weapons will not."

He then starts walking away from the Rendezvous and says "Come, padawan, Lieutenant. Hurry, we must." Thire looks at him confused and says "Sir, the rendezvous point is that way."

Yoda smiles and says "As is our enemy. To reach our goal, a straight path, we will not follow." Thire was still confused but was too scared to question so he says "Let's move it, boys."

They start walking through the dense coral bush when they see droid tanks approaching, the clones were about to start shooting when Ziva says "At ease, were not in range of them."

The tanks soon stop and Thire says "Those tanks are too big to follow." Yoda smiles and says "See, see? Size is not everything. Smaller in number are we, but larger in mind."

He then starts walking away and Jeck says "Do you have any idea what the General was talkin' about?" Thire shrugs and says "How should I know? There's no figurin' a Jedi Master."

Ziva clouding help but laugh and Yoda says "not wise, it is, to provoke your master." Ziva smirks and says "my apologies master, I'll only do it when you make your disgusting caterpillar soup."

Yoda grumbles and Ziva couldn't help but laugh as they continued to walk. They then see a bunch of droids approaching so they take cover behind a rock and a Thire says "Sir, there are two patrols coming in on foot."

Yoda looks at him and says "Now is the time to face the enemy, Lieutenant. Ambush them, we will." Ziva nods and says "We'll flank them from the south."

Thire takes out his gun and says "Right, let's move." They soon take cover behind some other rocks near the droids and start shootings at them, the droids retaliate. Yoda runs up to them and starts deflecting the blaster shots.

One of the droids says "Look, little green life form." The droid next to it smacks its her head and says "You bucket head, that's the Jedi! Blast him!"

Thire then stands up and says "OK, clankers, suck laser!" He then starts shooting them with his laser canon before they start running away from them.

Once there at a safe distance, Thire says "Where's the General?" Jeck says "I don't know. We got separated." Ziva says "don't worry, he'll be there when we need him."

Rye says "Clankers! Fall back! There are too many of them." They soon start running and after a while, they find some cover but the droids are still approaching.

Rye says "I hope the General reaches the rendezvous point." Thire takes out a bomb and says "This should buy him time." He throws it at the droids and they start running.

The droids retaliate and they throw a bomb at them, Thire falls to the ground and realizes that his ankle was twisted and that he couldn't run.

Ziva stands behind him and starts deflecting the blaster bolts aimed at him while Rye goes over to him and says "Lieutenant, can you walk?" Thire nods and says "I think I'm okay."

Ziva helps Thire  stand up before helping him and Rye get to better cover, Yoda then runs out of nowhere and picks up one of the droids before it starts shooting at the other droids.

Jeck says "What's the General doing?" Thire says "doesn't matter, keep blasting!

Soon all the droids are destroyed and Thire says "You found us just in time, sir." Yoda smiles and says "Left behind, no one will be."

Ziva smiles and nods before swings Thire's arm over her shoulder and helps him walk to there destination.

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