Change the future

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It's gonna be a very short chapter.

Yoda, Ziva, Windu, Ob-Wan, Plo, and Shakk Ti walked into the Chancellor's office before igniting there lightsabers, Windu glares at Palpatine and says "your under arrest my lord."

Palpatine smirks and says "your committing treason Master Jedi." Ziva glares at him and says "The senate will decide your fate." He snarls "I am the senate!" Before he ignites his lightsaber and attacks her.

She stops him and Yoda and Windu attack him to make sure that he doesn't focus on her, Palpatine would never admit it but he was having a hard time fighting 5 jedi masters and 1 experienced padawan at the same time.

After a while Palpatine got distracted with Yoda, Obi Wan, and Shakk that he forgot about Plo and Ziva. Palpatine then gasps as he feels a lightsaber go through his chest and collapses to the ground, dead.

It was Ziva.

She turns off her lightsaber and Yoda says "peace, there is, on the Horizon, gone the Sith Lord is." They all nod and Shakk, Plo Koon, and Ziva head back to the temple while Windu, Yoda, and Obi Wan deal with the senate.

Ziva then gasps as she feels the darkness in the force leave and now the darkness wasn't so toxic and suffocating anymore. She sees that Shakk and Plo notice is to and they smile at each other.

Ziva says "So Master Plo and Master Ti, what will you guys do now that the war is almost over." Plo smirks and says "get a bunch of adoption papers" and Ziva can't help but giggle and says "should have know you were gonna adopt the clones" before they get back to there ship and fly back to the temple.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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