The golden ticket

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Y/n's pov ~

I was working in my little shop waiting for a new box of Willy Wonka's chocolate bars. Thinking about how handsome he was. I stood there staring out in the air when somebody caught my eye.

"Can I have a Whipple Scrumptious Fugdemallow Delight?" Said Charlie, with a happy face.

"Uhhhh, yes ofc," I said while I was coming alive again, after being gone in my thoughts.

"Here you go my little Charlie"

"Thank you y/n"

As he ran out of the shop, and directly home.

Charlie's pov ~

I ran home to grandpa Joe, with the bar in my hand as we should open it together.


"You fell asleep"

"Did you got it"

"Which end should we open first?"

"Just do it quick like a band-aid"

They looked and found only chocolate.

Y/n's pov~



I was wondering when the box is coming.


I tried to look over at the door. But I was almost falling asleep on my chair. But I quickly sat up and looked.

"Omg...I'm gonna die" I thought to myself.

"It can't be"

I couldn't see who it was, cause I was really dizzy. I tried to see clearly but it was hard. But one thing I could see was a tall man wearing a tophat with a red jacket.

"Hello, I was just going to give you this," said the man with a little laugh.

It sounded cute, but I was about to fall when I saw who it was...

"Mr. Willy Wonka..." I thought deeply.

"Hello," I said shaking with fear, and my stomach was like butterflies flying around.

"And thank you so much"

"No problem," he said with a big smile.

He was about to go but I stopped him.



He turned around and looked at me.


He looked at me like I wasn't okay, but I will admit I wasn't okay. He saw my shaking and started to move closer. With a serious look. I looked at him. I thought that I was going to die. But something was wrong... I could feel it, but can't tell what it was...

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said shaking.

He started to lean towards the disk. I was completely dead inside. I couldn't help myself so I looked down.

He smiled and let out a little laugh.

I looked up and saw the most beautiful
eyes I had ever seen in my life.


I just looked at him like I was dreaming, I hope he wasn't thinking I was too weird.
When he just turned around and leaves. Without a goodbye.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Was I really that dumb?"

I thought while I was completely shocked. I looked over at the box with the new chocolate bars. I was a little hungry so couldn't hold it. I took some and ate most of it.

When I found the golden ticket...


I was just looking at it, for a while. But I hid it for Charlie. If he should come.

Time skip ~

I saw Charlie run into my shop, with a dollar in his hand. I stood there knowing what to do.

"Can I have..."



"Cause you don't need it"

I took the golden ticket and gave it to him. It was like seeing a kid there was going to have a million.


"Idk it was in my new box of Whipple Scrumptious Fugdemallow Delight"



He stood there completely dead. I was scared
If I did something, but he looked up and gave me a big hug. I was so happy to see him like this.

"Guess who is going to go"


"Yesss!" I said full of excitement and with a big smile.

Time skip ~

We got home and told we got the last golden ticket. Grandpa Joe was so happy, that he jumped out of the bed of full energy.
Charlie and I were going to bed, so we said goodnight and fall asleep. I will admit, I was so happy and excited for tomorrow. It has been the best day ever, of my whole life.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑆𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝐻𝑖𝑚 (Willy Wonka/ Fanfiction) Female Where stories live. Discover now