Augustus Gloop

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There was it. All the great big chocolate flavor. I looked down at Charlie, he was so surprised and excited. I just couldn't wait, so I was already going crazy. But Willy Wonka told us to wait. He told us a lot of things like: his chocolate was mixed by a waterfall so that it becomes light and frothy. And btw no other factory's in the world were mixed by a waterfall. I was so proud of him. But one thing got me...

"Everything in this room is eatable, even I'm eatable" If there wasn't a rule about it or something like that, I would take him. But something was wrong... I was the only one standing. And the most creepy was he was looking at me. Not in a creepy way, but a smirk. I couldn't take it, so I looked down and slowly turned around, but he stops me...

"Where do you go?"

"Uhmmm I.."


He took my wrist and took me to a tree of many-colored flowers. Someone with blue, rose, red, white, and yellow. But I looked over at the bush, with those golden roses. But he got something to me. I could see it. He walked behind the beautiful tree and came back with a big teddy bear made of different colors and candy and also some beautiful red roses. I was shocked. So I looked at him with those puppy eyes and said thank you.

"How is it?"

"Delicious, but how did you know that I came since you made that. And directly to me?"

"Guess I'm good at finding the right colors and taste"

I laughed and took another bite. Until that annoying voice came over again.

"Daddy look over there, what is it?"

"Ohhh god not her again..." I was eating peacefully with Wonka. And then she came.

"It's a little person, over there by the waterfall"

We all stood there still while watching the little person. I was thinking if he kidnapped them, but no he wouldn't do that...right? I found out that they were called Oompa Loompas. The workers. Wonka also said that they came right from Loompaland.

"There's no such place"


"Mr. Wonka I teach high school geography, and I'm here to tell you..."

"Well, then you'll know all about it, and know what it terrible country it is"


After that, he began to tell us how they came here to the factory, and no they weren't kidnapped. Like I thought, but no.

"They are such wonderful workers, I feel I must warn you, though. They are rather mischievous. Always making jokes"

I saw Augustus over at the other side right in front of us, while his mother was screaming at him to stop. He was so disgusting.

"Hey, little boy!"

"My chocolate must be untouched by human hands"

I looked over at Mr. Wonka, and I thought the same thing as he did...maybe.

"Damm that fat pig couldn't get enough..."

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑆𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝐻𝑖𝑚 (Willy Wonka/ Fanfiction) Female Where stories live. Discover now