18. Battles Eve

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It didn't take long for you to find the others. They were all scattered about inside one of the many rooms of the building, the one in particular that they occupied being what looked like a kitchen/dining room.

You took a step into the room and turned your head to the left, sensing someone.

It was Todoroki, who was leaned up against the wall nonchalantly.

He returned your gaze and gave you a small nod of acknowledgement, "You look well. I'm glad you're up."

You shrugged lightly, "I'm a fast healer. I didnt miss anything, did I?"

"No. We barely just got down the mountain a few hours ago. You two were already here." He responded.

At the reminder of your begrudging travel buddy, your eyes fell from Todoroki and quickly found the ashen blonde.

He was sitting, one leg crossed on top of the other, arms crossed and a dull scowl, as usual.

His crimson eyes caught your and his scowl deepened. You just looked away and continued the conversation with Todoroki.



"This is the last town before we reach the horde of goblins nearby. This isnt the main one but it's important we wipe them out to protect the nearby villages and towns." Deku spoke firmly, "If we successfully get rid of them then it'll be a breeze defeating the Goblin king."

"Why's that?" You whispered, leaning over to Todo.

"There's reportedly alot of higher class goblins gathered there at the moment, if we defeat them, we will have already defeated a little over 1/2 of their attack force." He responded quietly next to you.

You made a quiet "oh" and listened to Deku's strategy. It was a fairly simple, yet efficient one.

The current party would split into two groups, attacking from the front and back. You would wipe out the battle towers first before going for the higher ranked goblins, if you could do that, taking out the weaker ones would be child's play.

In the first group was Deku, Uraraka, Iida, Sero, Denki, and Jirou. In the second would be You, Todoroki, Momo, Mina, Kirishima, and Bakugou.

You were pleased to have been placed in the same group as Todoroki and Kirishima, both of them you knew and could easily get along with, the other you were unsure of.

The attack would be at sunset. It was time to prepare your mind and weapons. Everyone went off to do their own things, most of them finding ways to find a good combo for their moves with others.

You weren't really sure how to prepare yourself.

"I've never fought in a battle before. I guess I should polish up my moves." You mumbled and began stretching yourself.

You sharpened your mobility with your staff, turning in over your shoulders and hands.

The magic you used as attacks were a bit wide range, so you didn't want to risk using them and hitting someone.

"Well, I guess there's not much else I can do." You sighed, "Onto my last step."

Folding your legs under yourself, you hooked your hands together, your dominant hand on top of the other and closing your eyes.

You began your "hymn of shields" protection prayer. It wasn't a prayer you used to often, seeing as you never had a situation where you needed shielding from attacks.

Besides, it was a lower ranked skill mainly for beginner exorcists who needed extra protection from demons, even so, low rank protection was better than non at all.





The time had finally come. The sun was lowering beyond the mountains in the distance, the burning gold just barely beginning to vanish from sight.

You waited with your group in position, waiting for the appointed time of attack when both groups should be ready.

Todoroki was watching his pocket clock with a slightly furrowed brow, and you watched him, waiting for the go ahead along with the others.

Anxiety plucked at your chest uncomfortably and you could feel your demon stirring at the proximity of darkness and your slight mental weakness of the coming battle.

"Someones nervous."

"Shush, I'm trying to focus."

"How about after this battle?"


"You said that you would consider a full takeover. So how about after this battle?"

"Why then? I'm inclined to deny you."

"It's the least you could do after I healed you!"

You bit your lip in thought, about to respond when Todoroki gave the signal, everyone shooting to their feet and rushing into the goblin base.

"Don't let me down." You spoke to yourself quietly, aiming an attack at approaching goblins that where charging.

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