2. Crosses

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Bold italics are the demons thoughts, regular italics is your thoughts.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?" The woman cried as she held on to your hand, tears making visible treks down her cheeks.

You smiled a bit awkwardly "Ah-ha, no no, there's no need to repay me, it's honestly not that big of a deal!"

"Oh I know!" She ran to a book shelf and fiddled around with a few things before coming back over and taking your hand again.

With her fist still closed, hiding your eyes from the object, she placed her closed fist on your open palm.

"I'm sure this is very fitting for an exorcist! So you can keep it!" She spoke with a friendly smile, opening her hand to drop the item on your skin.

As soon as you felt the contact, your flesh felt as if it were burning and a loud voice shrieked in your mind, in effect causing you to as well.

Pulling back your limb, a cross made of silver fell to the floor with a small clank.

"Oh dear! Are you alright? What happened?" The woman questioned in shock and worry.

Sweat formed on your brow as you looked down at your hand, where the cross had touched was pure black, the color fading as the pain subsided.

"S-Sorry! I just have a sensitivity to some metals!" You lied fluidly.

You slipped on a pair of gloves and picked up the cross.

"I'll still keep it, if you will let me." You looked up to her with smiling e/c eyes.

She smiled back and nodded, "After all that you did to help us, it would be an honor."

You stood, slipping the silver cross into your hip bag. You watched as the woman bowed to you, once again having an awkward expression on your face.

The child that you had been working with earlier came out of the room they had been in. The young boy still looked absolutely exhausted.

You weren't surprised after what he had gone through. His eyes looked at you in wonder as if you were some mystical being from another realm.

You offered him a small smile.

"Kill them"

You blink as your smile faded and then turned back to the woman.

"I'm sorry but I must go." You spoke.

"Oh right! You must be very busy! Don't let me hold you up!" She said.

You nodded and turned away. Swiftly opening the door and making your way down the path you were surprised as a small voice called out to you.

"Thanks you L/n-san!" The young boy yelled after you.

You smiled to yourself and continued down the path. The country side was marvelous this time of year.

The fields of golden wheat stretching for acres while on your opposite side stretched fields of different varieties of flowers.

The sound of horses approaching made you look ahead of yourself and to, what looked like kings men.

You stepped to the side to let them pass but were shocked when they stopped next to you.

"Uh... hello?" You asked.

"We are servants of the king, it has been declared that all people of status must attend for the princes birthday.

"Sorry, I'm not really a party person. How did you even know where I-"

"You will attend! By order of the king! A powerful spirit killer such as you must attend or suffer punishment!"

"I don't kill spirits..." you mumbled.

"Because you're to weak."

You shook your head, "Fine I guess I'll go. Not worth getting a dungeon sentence for."

With that, they left. The sound of their horses hooves fading into the distance.

You stared down at the white envelope you had been handed, a golden seal decorating it.

"Maybe I can cheat the system."

Katsuki x reader - Damn DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now