1. Introducing Y/n L/n

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Hello! I am Y/n L/n. You probably already knew that though, after all this might count as talking to myself... ourself? Those are small details though.

Anyway, I am an exorcist, or was. I was the best of the best, there was no demon or spirit that I couldn't exercise or help!

Well, there was one, but only one! It was the one that possessed me. I was young at the time, just entering double digits.

No priest could exorcise it and we ended up just cohabiting inside my body. For all my years of living I was never able to get that pesky demon out.

Sometimes even, it would take control over me and cause chaos and death until I managed to get the reins back on myself. So I was more of a nomadic exorcist, never stayed in one place to long in fear of destroying the town, just like I did many years ago with the first takeover.

The weirdest part is that we share my brain for communication, it speaks in its demonic tounge and yet I understand, and it understands me.

If it wasn't so hell-bent (pun intended) on killing people and just being a nuisance then I might even have called us some what of friends.

But as it turns out, things never work out like that. It wasn't many weeks later, possible months when I learned of the invasion of goblins, apparently, some gungho goblin king was determined to invade the kingdoms and make humans their slaves.

Like hell that'll happen, I help behind the scenes though, never really embellished in spotlight.

Maybe I never would've met him if I had stayed away. Maybe things wouldn't have been as messed up as they were, but I just had to be there.

On that one night. In that one city. I never would've gone there under normal circumstances, but I just happened to be in the area when it all began.

I never took myself for a people person, but when you're practically forced to go somewhere then things tend to get social.

That's how it was for me, or rather for us. The story of how a lonely nomadic exorcist, and a damn good one at that, met and hatched a bigger, seemingly threatening relationship and feelings for a certain dragon king.

You guessed right!

Because this is how I... er... we.... us? Well this is how Y/n L/n, became more than a background character in a story of heroes

(Fantasy heroes, this is the stuff of fairytales!)

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