11. Hike

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The next morning was a bit cold. Being closer to a mountain meant cooler temperatures than forests but you didn't mind to much.

You sat upon the hay you had slept on previously and chewed on a blueberry muffin Ochako had given you.

The sky was cloudy an grey, foretelling a possible storm.

"We should go soon, I wanna get passed the mountain before any rain sets in." Todoroki spoke up.

Everyone agreed and packed up the rest of their stuff. You finished your muffin and stood to jump off the hay when someone walked by, making you hesitate for a second resulting in you slipping and landing on said person.

"Ow, the hell?" He hissed.

You huffed and stood up, "Why did you get in the way?"

"You're the one that landed on me! You should be apologizing on your knees!" Bakugou sneered.

"I wouldn't have fell on you if you hadn't gotten in the way." You said distastefully.

You strutted away from him, crossing your arms and standing by Ochako who had just finished slipping on her bag.

"Oh, hey Y/n, ready to go?" She smiled sweetly.

You nodded, "Mhm, we should go, it stinks of a crude man in here."



The hike up the mountain wasn't all bad. The path was easy to follow and winded around the mounted to the peak before passing along the side and presumably down the other side.

It would be a lie to say it wasn't a long walk to the other side though. Currently you were all on the path at the mountains side.

The path was thinning out and the smell of rain was very apparent. You sighed.

"I hope we can at least get somewhere dry before the storm."

"I hope they get struck by lightning."

"The path is very small here, so watch your step!" Deku called and everyone gave a hum of acknowledgement.

You watched your feet as the first droplets of rain hit against the path.

"Damn, already?"

You looked up at the sky as drops hit your face before continuing to walk. The rains intensity grew as you all continued along the path and you began to fear a flood.

You could hear the sloshing of a river far below the path, the rain was sure to make it grow if you knew anything.

The skin of your hand lightly grazed the side of the mountain as you walked along the thin path.

Just then you heard a sickening sound of rock breaking. Your eyes widened a bit as the ground you stood on became unstable.

You tried to step forward but it gave away before you could.

"Holy shi-!" you screamed out as your name was called from above, you fell down the edge of the mountain path before plunging into the freezing cold river beneath.

You writhed around slightly before breaking the surface, your wet hair sticking to your face as you took a breath.

The water was cold and carrying you far, fast. You sputtered as your head bobbed in and out of the water, your clothing suddenly feeling much heavier.

"Shit! I might drown!"

"Dont you dare you lousy human!"

You tried to take in a breath but just as you did you fell back under the water, instead taking in water painfully.

Choking, you struggled back up. Head barely above the surface. It was looking bleak, the cold water making your body feel sickly and your lungs burning in agony.

You almost dipped under the surface for good when something forced you back up. Coughing, you took a sharp inhale of breath.

"Don't you dare think about dying shithead!" An achingly familiar voice spat.

You spit out water that tried to enter your mouth and looked over your shoulder at the male.

"Eh? Bakugou? What are you doing here?" You sputtered.

"Going for a swim, what the hell do you think!" A large surge of water caused you both to momentarily dip under the water.

You emerged again, gasping, "You fell too?!"

"No fucking shit!"

You tried your best at staying above the surface of the water, but it grew increasingly hard as the freezing temperature made your muscles want to shut down.

Both of you bobbed along the river, seemingly endlessly when you finally caught a glimpse of a shore.

"Over there!" You called.

Not wanting to get stuck in the river permanently, you fought your way over, against the current and into shallower water where your feet could finally touch the floor.

You both trudged clumsily out of the water and onto the rocky shore, panting and heaving.

Ringing out your hair, you let out a cough, water spilling out of your lungs as you did.

"I hope that's all." You sighed and sat up.

Shivering, you wrung out your sopping wet clothes as best as you could.

"That was unpleasant." You grumbled.

Katsuki x reader - Damn DemonsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt