6. Talking

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The redhead had set you down in that room you had woken up in, patting your head like you were and animal.

You swatted his hand away, "Don't do that."

"Sorry," he smiled, teeth sharp, "I'm Kirishima by the way."

"Well now I know the name of my kidnapper." You huffed, sitting on the bed with a small bounce.

He laughed at that, "Alright, you should probably just relax then."

With that he left the room, lightly closing the door behind him. It was quiet in the room after that, leaving you to your thoughts.

"He seemed cheerful."

"He smells like a dragon."

"Whoa, really?"

"Without a doubt."

"I guess if I'm gonna be here for a few days I might as well play nice."


"That goes for you too."

"Even grosser."

You sighed and laid down, shortly after, you fell asleep.



When you woke again, it was evening, golden light from the setting sun casting a heavenly glow on your room.

Your body felt more relaxed, the headache ling gone as you sat up. You stood and went to the door.

Cracking it open a small bit, the waft of air that entered smelled of delicious food. There were also voices.

"I'm mostly worried about the method, Bakugou's plan of charging in isn't much of a plan." Ochako spoke from somewhere to the middle of the house.

"We'll have to figure it out along the way, right now there's no completely fool proof way of doing this." The voice of green haired guy responds.

"Right, I'm just worried they might have an advantage over us." Ochako spoke again.

"This topic is dull, we have plenty of time to mull it over later." Kirishima's voice joined in.

"You're right, so what else do we have to talk about?"

You leaned against the doorframe and continued to listen, you hadn't been around people for so long that you had forgotten the comfort of everyday conversations.

"Why don't we get that girl on our team?" Kirishima spoke, you had a feeling the topic had shifted to you.

"That's sudden." Ochako said.

"Well I think it would be beneficial. I'm pretty sure she's an exorcist too."

"How do you know?" The green haired one asked.

"That staff she carries around is very similar to ones I've seen before. Also she smells of demons."

"Wait, so why didn't you say he could sense you?"

"I didn't think it was necessary."

"You bitch."

"I'm not sure, she seemed awfully keen on leaving earlier." Ochako sighed.

"What if shes that famous exorcist?"


"You know, legends say an extremely powerful exorcist was born from a city that doesn't exist anymore, so powerful that they never stay in one place for long in fear of being the cause of another cities demise!"

"There are legends about me?"

"I didnt know we were famous."

"Neither did I."

"I doubt it's her." The voice of the blonde spoke up for the first time, "Those goblins nearly killed her, shes weak."

"What a jerk!"

"I dont know, there was a good 20 to 30 minutes before we arrived, she could've been holding then off all that time." The green haired guy pondered.

"No way, she's a weakling."

"Then let's put her to the test!" Kirishima cheered, "When she's up for it, we can see just how powerful she is, right?"

"I suppose." Ochako said.

"Alright!" Kirishima celebrated.

"But only if she's up for it, we can't force her to do anything."

"Damn right you can't."

"Alright, foods done, let's eat." The green haired guy spoke.

"I'll take some and see if she wants some." Ochako said.

You quietly shut the door and slipped back into the bed. Shortly after the door opened and Ochako stepped in with a smile.

"I hope you're feeling better, I brought you some food." She smiled.

"I am, thanks." You sat up and took the plate she handed to you.

She sat on the bed and you poked at a pile of mashed potatoes with your fork.

"So, tell me about yourself. What do you do for fun? What color do you like?" She asked, taking a bite of her vegetables.

"Well, first of all, my name is Y/n L/n. I don't really do anything for fun, I'm pretty sure my favorite color is (colour)." You replied honestly.

She looked at you in slight shock.

"You dont do anything for fun?" She echoed.

"No, well actually I do tend to count how many clouds are in the sky when I travel." You spoke.

"That's so boring!" She sputtered.

"It is?" You frowned a bit.

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