14. Sickly

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To say you were cold was an understatement. You had been shook awake the next morning, the cold scent of earth around you.

It felt like all the energy in your body had vanished, even though you had slept well.

Every muscle in your body felt horribly weak. Bakugou, having been the one to shake you awake, was hovering over you, a scowl on his face as usual.

"Wake up." His hand was incredibly warm compared to your skin.

Ice compared to fire. You hadn't felt like this sense you were a child.

"You look like a ghost." He grumbled, removing his hand to look down at you.

It couldn't have been that cold outside. Your breath came and went quickly, your head felt light and heavy at the same time.

In other words, you knew what was wrong.

Groaning you turned onto your stomach and pushed yourself up shakily.

Leaning against the cave wall for support, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up.

Turning to look at your back as best you could, you scoffed before dropping your shirt.

"Damn, I thought I'd be fine for a few more days at least." You mumbled.

"The hell are you talking about?" Bakugou inquired.

"Its nothing, we should get going." You spoke, beginning to force yourself to stand.

"If you let me take over, you'll be better in seconds."

Ignoring the voice, you slowly began to walk out of the cave. The sunlight felt heavenly on your skin.

You took a deep breath only to wheeze into a cough as you exhaled. Even your lungs felt sour.

Shaking it off, you began to descend the rocky path, watching each step you took.

You could feel Bakugou's presence near you as you went, although you didn't bother looking back at him.

Almost fully down, you missed a step as a rock slightly crumbled under your foot, throwing you off balance.

Struggling for a bit, you managed to steady yourself, breathing heavily at the amount of effort it took.

You descended the last bit with more care. Finally on the solid earth, crunchy leaves under foot, Bakugou retook the lead.

Barely a foot behind him, you rubbed your arms under your cloak, trying to get some heat to your freezing body.

The morning had begun to warm up, but not nearly fast enough. It didn't help that it was coming to be the coolest months of the year.

You focused on walking, making sure you didn't fall behind. Your head was beginning to feel fuzzy, and you were to occupied with watching your feet that you didnt notice Bakugou's glances at you.

He was no idiot, he knew sickness when it was clearly visible. Your current state was a weak one.

Neither of you even noticed the rustling of large hedges until there was a blur of black and Bakugou was knocked from the path.

Suddenly snapped from your daze, you looked over wildly.

"B-Bakugou!" You shouted.

He was wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth, probably from biting his tounge, as a large black bear stalked closer to him.

Leaping to his feet in seconds, Bakugou gave it a dark smirk.

The bear snarled, is scarred muzzle twitching animatedly. Its eyes were pitch black and it had tough heids of skin and rows of scars.

It rose onto it's back feet, successfully towering over the blonde. It had to be at least eight feet tall.

You could see the fear behind Bakugou's shimmering crimson eyes.

He led out a loud shout and charged it, pulling out a knife. You watched, afraid of what would happen.

As you expected, the blade didnt even pierce its skin. It batted Bakugou out of the way easily.

With a choking start, you hurried forward, tripping over your own feet before getting back up and scrambling over as the bear charged for the blonde, who was now standing once more with a bloodied nose and scratched up in multiple places.

Some how, you reached to backside of the bear before it reached Bakugou. You let out a scream, jumping onto it and plunging the sharp end of your staff into it's back.

It reared up with a loud roar and you struggled to stay on as Bakugou took to opportunity to try and attacking its belly.

It was a short lived success as you got smacked in the head by the bears enormous paw and throw across the forest floor.

"Ah!" You lifted your head, shoulder in pain, "That hurts like a bitch!"

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