c o u p l e s t h e r a p y

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c o u p l e s  t h e r a p y | 1 6

"At one point in time he and I were happy. But now? Juvia doesn't think we are."

Gray scoffed and rolled his eyes at Juvia's comment. He'd never thought he'd spend his first Saturday off in months at couples therapy with his wife of fifteen years. He found the whole thing ridiculous. Especially, since their therapist was Ezra of all people.

The redhead stared at Juvia, her face expressionless. "What makes you think that way?"

Juvia shifted in the light blue couch of Ezra's office. "Juvia doesn't think Gray-sama cares for her as much as she cares for him."

Gray gave her a disbelieving look. "Is that what makes you think our marriage is failing?"

"Gray," Ezra had that warning tone in her voice. "We spoke about this—let her finish, and then when it's your turn you may speak."

He glared at her but did what he was told. Even at thirty five he knew better than to try to go against her. She was scary no matter how old he was. He remembered the last time Lucy and Natsu had couples therapy—Natsu looked like he'd been crying when he'd come out of the office, or at least from what Lucy had told him. Ezra had really scarred him.

She turned her gaze back to Juvia. "Can you elaborate on why you feel that way?"

Juvia fidgeted, her fingers having a war against one another. Gray has to admit that age only did wonders to her. She didn't look like she'd gotten older at all. She'd cut her blue hair into a bob sort of style, her dark blue eyes still shined bright as ever, she'd gained small smile lines along her mouth, but they only enhanced her beauty. After graduating from law school, she'd taken up wearing pencil skirts and button down, long sleeves that left little for imagination. She was like fine wine—age only made her better.

Gray turned back to look at the spot on the carpet he'd spent the last torturous twenty minutes staring at. When had been the last time he'd had sex with Juvia? He couldn't remember.

"Juvia knows Gray-sama isn't the type of person who expresses himself with words a lot, but lately even without words he doesn't show anything towards her." She chewed on her bottom lip. "It's like she's always the last thing on his mind."

Gray narrowed his eyes at her comment. Sure, he'd always been cold and detached—Juvia was very aware of that since they met. She couldn't expect him to change.

Erza turned to him. "What do you have to say in that matter, Gray?"

"She's being ridiculous," he deadpanned. He waved his hand in a circular motion. "This whole thing is ridiculous."

"It's isn't," Juvia countered vehemently. "Gray-sama said he would try!"

"I am!" he argued back. "I came, didn't I?"

"That isn't enough," she cried. "You need to change!"

"Change?" He glared at her. "You know who I was when you married me!"

"Yes! Juvia did!" Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "And the person sitting in this chair right now isn't him!"

Gray's eyes widened at her accusation and he stayed silent, not finding what to say in return. Thankfully, Erza spoke up for him. "That enough, both of you. Let's take a five minute break. I'll be right back."

He watched her leave the room. He'd overestimated her, he'd really believe she would stay long enough to kill the thick tension between him and Juvia. She was so getting a toothbrush as her Christmas gift.

After a few minutes where he could hear every tick of the clock, breath he took in and let out, he looked down at his hands. "I really don't understand why you wanted to come here."

Juvia had been shaking her leg anxiously, but suddenly stopped. "You really don't know." She said it more as a statement than a question.


"Do you remember the promise we made when we started going out?"

Gray hesitated, contemplating if he could lie his way out, but by the look on her face, he knew better than to risk it. "No."

She shook her head in disappointment. "How about a few months before our wedding?"

He met her with silence.

She clasped her hands tightly. "You promised we'd wait a few years before having children—"

"—this whole thing is about that—?"

"—no, it isn't!" she refuted heatedly. "It's about much more than that."

"I don't understand."

"You never do!"

"You never explain things to me."

"Juvia does!" she cried, some of her hair falling on her face. "Gray-sama is the one that never listens!"

"You can't say that," he argued. "I do."

"When has Gray-sama ever truly listened to what she said?" she dared him. "Name one time."

Gray drew blank, suddenly realizing she could be right. She regarded him coldly. "Exactly." She grabbed her purse tightly once more. She didn't look at him. "Juvia wants the divorce."

He felt himself grow cold, his eyes widen, his mouth go slack and the air left his lungs. He never thought he'd ever hear those words come from her mouth. "W-What?"

"You heard Juvia," her voice was thick. "She wants a divorce."

"You said we were going to try. That's why I'm here," he tried.

"Juvia just can't." She shook her head. "With your answers she realized Gray-sama had left her alone much longer ago than she'd thought."

"That's not true!"

She turned to him angrily, tears spilling from her eyes. "Does Gray-sama even know what day today is?"

"Tuesday?" The moment the words were out of his mouth he knew he'd answered wrong.

Juvia veered back in disappointment. "What happened today sixteen years ago?"

"How am I going to remember something that happened such a long time ago?"


"Fine, fine." He started digging for important dates. "Your birthday was two months ago, mine was a while ago as well, our anniversary...." he stopped and swallowed when he realized what he'd missed.

"Exactly," she said. "And Juvia had to spend it in couples counseling!" She threw her wedding ring at him, causing him to jump in surprise.

"Juvia..." he started, picking up the gold band from the carpet. She never took it off—even when they went to sleep. "I can do better."

"That's what Gray-sama said last year, and the year before."

"I really will this time," he was desperate. She was his entire world. "I promise."

She gave him an icy stare. "Juvia doesn't believe in promises anymore," she looked at him over her shoulder as she walked towards the door. "The divorce papers will be on your office desk first thing tomorrow morning. Make sure to sign them."

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