there's no tomorrow

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*MAJOR WARNING: mentions of suicide and depression. Please read at your own risk.

there's no tomorrow | 1 4

The sea breeze whipped her azure curls back. The smell of salt overwhelmed her senses. The slight sensation of vertigo overtook her as she looked down from edge of the 220ft bridge into the depths of the water. It was the middle of winter; she knew it would be frigid, but she didn't care. She wondered if the sensation of her lungs collapsing from the lack of oxygen would hurt.

She extended her arms on either side and let herself selfishly cherish one last moment before she ended it all. She looked at the grey clouds covering the once blue sky, and at the flash of lightning in the distance. It was followed by a low rumble. It was only proper; her entire life was filled with rain and overbearing sadness.

No one would miss her. She wouldn't even miss herself. She hated being alive. Living in a world she didn't choose to be born in. Her egocentric, self absorbed parents had left her at the steps of some random church twenty years ago, and ever since then her life had only been filled with pain, suffering and misery.

She took a step forward and—

"Stop! Don't do it!"

—someone stopped her. She paused, turning slightly to look over her shoulder. It was man; probably not much older than her. His car was parked a few feet away with the hazard lights on. His dark coat contrasted against his pale skin. His black hair was whipped back and forth due to the wind caused by the cars driving past. His onyx eyes were glued on to her. His hands were out in front of him; showing her he meant no harm.

"Leave me alone," Juvia told him.

"I know you're probably feeling like this is your only escape," he started, slowly approaching her. "But I promise it isn't."

"I don't think that," she answered him. She shrugged one shoulder. "I know there are things like therapy, and counseling, but honestly? I just don't want to live in this wretched world anymore."

Her answer seemed to take him by surprise, because he paused as he tried to think of something new to say. "My name is Gray Fullbuster," he started once more. "Three years ago, I was in the same position as you are right now, and I am here to tell you it only gets better."

"Really?" She gave him a dry smile. "How does working at a restaurant over forty hours a week as a waitress, being manhandled by disgusting men with beer bellies, making less than minimum wage an hour to live in some rundown motel sound? How can it get better when I don't have any money? And don't you dare say that money doesn't buy anything, because all of Juvia's problems could be easily solved right now if she had money."

"I can help you," Gray tried once more. "I can lend you some money, get you back on your feet; you're not alone."

"But Juvia is!" Juvia laughed dryly. "She does not have one single person is this whole damn world that cares for her, or sees her as family. Don't you see? Jumping of this bridge will only do me good! Juvia won't have to worry the government in scarfing up money to pay for her funeral because her body can sink to the bottom of the ocean! At least she'll be able to feed the fishes!"

"Juvia, was it? I know you think all of that today, but tomorrow can be different. I know it sounds impossible, but fighting for one more day, one more tomorrow can really make a difference." His face was desperate. Her situation probably brought him a lot of painful memories, but Juvia didn't care.

"Tell me Gray-sama, what do you live for?" She raised her arms and shrugged her shoulders in defeat. "Because I don't have anything to live for. Juvia doesn't want to live the rest of her miserable life working herself to the bone at some shitty run down cafe, restaurant or fucking retail store where all they do is call you family, but in reality they only say that to manipulate you into staying because they're short staffed. I don't want to live in a motel where Juvia's roommate is a fucking rodent! I don't want to eat ramen every night because I couldn't afford anything else." She laughed humorously. "Juvia getting off this ledge won't make her life 'better,' it'll only make her more miserable. So, please go away and let her finish what she started. It will probably be the only thing I manage to do right in my entire despondent existence."

"You don't actually mean all that," Gray told her. He was slowly getting closer. "If you can just step down, I'll be that person you need. I'll help you through this. You won't be alone."

"But that's what I want," Juvia emphasized. "I want to be left alone, and I can achieve that if I jump!"

"Please," Gray tried desperately. "Don't do this. There's always a tomorrow."

Juvia smiled at him softly as she felt the first drop of rain slide down her cheek. "Thank you for reminding me that not everyone is this world is as horrible as I set them out to be," she whispered at him.

"Don't do it," he begged her, his steps increasing in length and speed. He wanted to stop her. "Give it one more day. Think it through!"

She wondered if it was the rain or if it was her tears, but her cheeks were wet, and her lips tasted salty. She gave him one last pitiful smile. "There is no tomorrow for me."

She jumped.

A/n: sorry for not updating recently. My life has just been chaotic.

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