n e w b e g i n n i n g

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n e w  b e g i n n i n g | 3

Gray walked down the steps of the courtroom in his black suit. The divorce had gone well, and he finally managed to work out a deal over the percentages of his belongings. A part of him felt sad, since him and Ultear had lived almost three years together. They had managed to work well, and have enough money to pay off their house, but Gray quickly realized that he wasn't in love with her. Yes, he cared for her, but he couldn't keep faking for long.

He had bought a condo in the middle of the city, he had left the house to Ultear. After all, she had done all the decor and moved all the furniture and had sent to get it painted. It wasn't a thing for Gray to do, so he gladly left it to her.

It wasn't long before Gray got back into his normal routine. He worked in an office under Fairy Tail encorporated, where they put out as if they were abnormal magazine company, but in reality they were undercover agents. So far, Gray had taken a break and had been stuck with desk duty. It wasn't long before days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months.

It had been around lunch time five months later when he decided to stop and get coffee in a nearby café his annoying foster brother had recently recommended to him.

It was tiny, but there seemed to be a nice atmosphere in it. It was packed, and there were waitresses flying around with orders. He sat in a booth in the corner. He realized everything had a yellow sunny tinge to it. He had heard people say that yellow was a happy color, and he might've of beloved them then. Everyone seemed to be laughing and chatting, taking a break.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" Gray didn't even look at the menu since he already knew his answer, but he did stop to take a look at the waitress.

She was tall, with wavy azure hair that was tied back in a ponytail, dark blue eyes, and she seemed to fit the waitress uniform very well. She was holding a notepad in her hand, and kept avoiding eye contact with him.

"Coffee, no milk or sugar." Gray answered as he watched her write  down his order.

"Is that all, sir?" Gray simply nodded. She didn't look much older than him, in fact, she looked around his age.

"Juvia! We need you!" The blue haired girl turned towards another waitress who was calling her.

"I'm coming!" She looked back at Gray, and smiled. "Your order will be right up."

It wasn't long before Juvia, he guessed that was her name, had brought him his coffee, alongside something else.

"I never ordered a muffin," he said as she handed him a darkish looking muffin.

"Don't worry, it's on the house." Juvia smiled.

"I don't like sweets," he said. He remembered the many times Ultear had forced him to try her terrible cake creations and he almost cringed at the thought. The muffin looked like one of them.

"Don't worry, I could tell you don't like sweet things. It's a coffee muffin I made. I was wondering if you would give it a try." Juvia gave him a hopeful smile and Gray couldn't say no. He simply nodded.

"Well, if you need anything else, just let me know." She gave him another smile before she took off.

Gray had finished his coffee and had left the muffin until the very end. He wasn't sure if he should give it a try or throw it away when she wasn't looking.

Without knowing, he had bitten into it. He was expecting a wave of sweetness to overwhelm his pallets, but instead he was received with a bitter taste. It was a good bitter. He liked it. Before he knew it, the muffin was gone. Gray was surprised, it wasn't every day someone could read him well.

"Here's your receipt," Juvia had handed him his change after he paid and his receipt. "Hope you come back again." She gave him a bright smile, and in her eyes he could see hope.

Gray only nodded and headed out the door. Before he could crumble the slip of paper into his pocket, he saw writing on the back.

Call me;

He tried to hide the smile. Juvia was slick, and he wasn't used to that. He hadn't met many bold women before. Bold women with class. He pocketed the paper. He knew he had gone through a divorce and rough patch, but that didn't mean it was the end for Gray. It could be a new beginning for him.

That night, he saved Juvia's number in his phone and he was sure to stop at the cafe again the next day.

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