u n l o v e a b l e w o m a n

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*warning: There will be a lot of sexual content in this chapter and other risky subjects. Read at your own expense. You've been warned.

u n l o v e a b l e  w o m a n | 1 1

He wasn't sure when it started. It had slowly creeped up on him—not exactly out of the blue, though. He had run into her in the market of the outskirts of a village he'd been on a mission.

Gray had been assigned to buy special herbs for the Capitals princess and the only place he could find them was in the smaller villages: far away from the populated towns near the kingdoms grounds. He'd been walking down the scorching hot roads looking through all the markets when he spotted her. Well, more like he spotted the plant he was looking for.

She'd been wearing a full body dress. Royal blue, with a dangerous slit that reached up to unimaginable places. Although, if Gray had tried, he could have a strong idea of what laid beneath. Her azure curls were long, reaching almost to her derrière and her smoldering blue eyes were bright as she smiled.

Gray had approached her stand when he saw her struggling trying to pick up a pot of herbs. He'd easily picked them up and placed them on a withered down carriage she had. A single lavender colored tulip had fallen from her bouquet, and Gray had picked it up and handed it to her.

"Here," he had said as he placed the delicate flower on her hand.

The way her eyes had brighten up and they way her lips turned to a soft smile—it would forever be engraved in to his brain.

"Thank you!" she said. "My name is Juvia Lockser, who might you be? You really helped me out there. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"I'm Gray, and it was nothing," he said, but his attention was back on the herbs as he scanned for the ones he wanted. "I'm looking for medical herbs." He dug through his pants until he found a crumpled piece of paper. Unfolding it and straightening it out, he showed it to her. "Have anything like this?"

Juvia scanned the page, before she nodded and started picking a few plants and throwing them into a bag. When she'd been done collecting everything on to a bag, she handed it to him.

"Thanks," Gray said as he searched in his pant pockets for some money. "How much do I owe you?"

Juvia had shaken her head—sending her blue curls bouncing all over. "It's okay," she said. "Take it as my thanks."

Gray scrunched his eyebrows at her. "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" she smiled. "Gray-sama helped Juvia when she needed it; it's only fair that she helps him out."

"Well," Gray scratched the back of his head. He wasn't used to people being so nice it giving him honorifics out of the blue. "Thanks."

"Where is Gray-sama headed to from here?" she asked him—curiosity clear in her eyes.

Before Gray knew it, Juvia was escorting him to all the different places he needed to go to in the small village. He'd asked her if she needed to go back to her shop stand, but she'd simply smiled and shook her head.

Afterwords, at night, once he'd helped her collect all her things, he accompanied her home. He felt like it was only fair after everything she'd done for him that day.

He still remembered how beautiful she looked under the full moon and the sky full of stars. Throughout the day, he'd thought of her as clingy and overbearing— but Juvia wasn't too bad.

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