f i v e o s e v e n

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*Fairy Tail chapter 507 predictions.

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There was a blinding pain in Grays' head. As if thousands of small needles were attacking his skull all at once. Where was he? All he could remember was fighting Invel and beating him. Gray had ripped him to pieces and beat him to a pulp. Usually Gray didn't find pleasure in hurting others, but he had with Invel. That son of a bitch deserved it. Especially after what he had done to Juvia...Juvia!

All at once, his memories hit him like a kick to his stomach. Painful and churning. Gray remembered everything. Juvia sacrificing herself to save him, him running off to fight Invel, discovering that Natsu was E.N.D—which he still couldn't get through his head how that was possible—Erza intervening the battle between him and Natsu, being informed Makarov had died and... Juvia... She was alive! He had heard and seen her! Had his mind been playing tricks on him? Had exhaustion gotten to him? Had he hallucinated? Surely life couldn't be that cruel to him.

Even so, there was a small possibility that Juvia was alive. This gave Gray a new form of strength. He opened his eyes and tried to familiarize himself with his surroundings. Immediately he recognized the place very well, he had been there many times before. It was Perlyusicas home. He must've been really hurt if they had brought him there.

He tried to sit up but his body reacted to his movement and sent a surging pain to his abdomen. The wound! Gray had forgotten. He had tried to save Juvia...Damn it! Gray grabbed his newly bandaged wound and tried to sit up. He grinded his teeth together in pain, but anger also. Why?! Why did everyone have to protect him? Give their lives for him! Why couldn't he, for once—at least once—protect the ones he loved?!

Gray tried to get out of bed, and immediately his feet buckled under his weight. Damn it. He had to try and go find Juvia. He tried using the bed he had been lying on as support.


Instantly, Gray froze. He could feel his body start shaking. In relief, or maybe fear? Fear, that he was just imaging the voice of Juvia. Relief that she was alive. But when he looked up and she was standing right in front of him, causing him to have a feeling that surged through his body and warmed his heart. She was alive. She too, was covered in bandages all over her body. More than him. She wore a new dress and she looked clean as if she had showered. She immediately ran to aid him.

"Gray-sama mustn't exert himself," she said as she helped him sit back onto the bed. She winced each time, both for him and herself. Damn it, she was hurt and helping him was only causing her more pain. "Perlyusica-san said that Gray-sama mustn't except himself or do anything other than rest. He was badly injured and he mustn't be moving around or he might reopen his wound!" Juvia continued. She was helping him lay back down, but Gray stopped her by grabbing her hands that were on his shoulders.

The warmth from her hands made him believe she was alive. He gripped them in his.

"Gray-sama...?" she started, but he stopped her.

"Are you real?" he asked. His voice cracked a little at the end. He was praying she was real. He wanted...no, he needed her to be alive and by his side.

And when she seemed to take in the situation of the matter at hand and took notice of Gray's shaking hands, body, and pained face, she grasped Gray's hands in hers and brought them down to his lap. She took her own hands and brought them to his face. Tenderly, she grabbed both sides of Gray's face and gently made him look up to her. His eyes showed how much pain he was in, and the hope that he had that she was alive.

A Collection of You & Me and Us ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ