We're Destruction (TomTord, fluff)

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I just wanted something light-hearted and fluffy since the last TomTord one-shot I made was pretty morbid. So here you go!

This is an alternate universe where the Eddsworld gang (and their female counterparts) are powerful entities that control a piece of human nature. So what happens when two destructive tendencies fall in love? Will chaos reign? Will something beautiful happen?? Or does BB-Chan need to update her other stories other than making one-shots? We'll never know!

(And yes. This the first one-shot to be first person.)


"Tord! Tord!" ah, Tori, the favored sibling.

Wait, the favored sibling? Let's have a quick filler in, shall we? I am Tord, the entity of a human's want of destruction. That girl who called me over there at the beginning? That's my sister, Tori.

Humans like you live on Earth. Pretty well known, right? But you know those tendencies and feelings you have being human, right? Yeah, that's our fault.

Helplessly falling in love with someone you know won't like you back? Our fault. Feeling sad for no apparent reason? Our fault. The overwhelming anxiety you have over just a small trivial thing? Our fault. We meddle a lot in human lives.

But that's our function. We're supposed to meddle, as we are entities of human tendencies and emotions. But who are 'we'? I already told you before, I am Tord, the entity of a human's want of destruction, the eldest sibling of my sister.

Tori is the youngest. Since after destruction, comes comfort. Yet she is the most favored sibling. Why is that? She is the entity of human comfort and safety. Her entire reputation is that she grants gigantic boons for humans, granting them safety. She is also liked because she isn't an entity that brings despair and misery into human's lives. She's like a safety blanket, somewhat.

I can't blame her for being liked. It's not my fault human's don't like misery. Yet, I am despised since I am the one that's always fueling the fire. Perhaps you have an heated argument with someone, and it gets pretty nasty. I am the one that fuels your anger, your fury, as it causes more destruction. I also may be the one at fault for major world wars and the falling of past empires...

I turn around, humming to show she got my attention. Like usual, as Tori enters the room, a warm feeling enters with her, her smile lighting up the whole room. I can't help but smile too. The aura she brings around her was just too comforting not to smile. I began to look down at her as Tori approaches me. (A/N: yes, I made Tord taller than Tori. Go and rant to me-) "What's up, Tori?" I say.

"We're having Tamara and her brother coming over today!" she exclaims in her usual jovial voice.

"Tamara? Isn't she that one entity that kissed you when you were down with the humans-?"

"She was drunk. I let it slide, and we never mention it anymore." Tori interjects, a little blush spread to her cheeks.

I chuckle. I like teasing Tori. I knew she liked that no-eyed entity for quite some time now, constantly talking about her to me. Poor her, she never learned her lesson. She was just giving me free ammunition to tease her even more.

"Alright." I say in defeat, still smirking. "Anyways, why mention this to me?"

"We're going to have dinner." replies Tori.

"More like you and Tamara are going on a date, and you two bringing your older brothers to look after you."

"What!? No!" Tori crosses her arms, crossing her arms. "Look, I'm just telling you this so you can get ready! Don't want our guests to be blinded by your hideous face when they look at you."

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