Destroying the Hierarchy pt. 1 (MattTord, fluff)

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I have been trying to come up with ideas. But hopefully this good enough. I am drunk off of coffee right now, so I'm feeling the confident, loud, and dancing mood.

In this one-shot, takes place in a high school setting. This high school is based on cliques and hierarchy. But Matt and Tord are tired of it, as they want the students to see each other as equals and no longer run on this structure of high school society. And what better way to break the hierarchy rather than throwing the biggest party the school has ever seen?

And before you start attacking me because there are high school students drinking, the legal drinking age in the UK is 18. And yes, in this one-shot, Matt and Tord are very much the legal drinking age.


Marabelle High School runs on a hierarchy. A very strict one, actually.

High schoolers have... a weird idea of how to run their schools. At the bottom of this social ladder, were the weirdos and quiet kids. The teens who danced weirdly in public with no shame. The kids who'd flaunt their friendships with their friends, but would be very quiet without them. The ones that are known for smoking weed in the bathroom, but not because they're miserable. In fact, they're known for showing off their arrogance, not giving a single fuck about what they seem to other people.

Floating above it all, were the kids that everyone in the neighborhood knows. Usually, they're the kids who use 'street slang'. If you could ever call it that. These kids have all their friends with them in a single group. Notorious for bringing up fights, and getting caught up in the drama.

And then there are the kids that are the middle class of the school. All of the high school cliques and groups you could ever think of were in those ranks. Ranging from nerds, the jocks, the middle class is where almost everyone but at the same time no one gets along.

Tord Hansen hated the social hierarchy.

He had it well, being in the middle class. Never got detention. Never got into a fight. He was enjoying himself in a group of rich kids. But the division of students made him upset.

Nothing could break this invisible barrier between students alike. Once you're in a clique, you are stuck there for the rest of your high school life. You are to never to mesh with others besides your friend group. Because if you ever do, everyone in the school would deem you a backstabber. You'd be outcasted. Be sent to the very bottom of the barrel. And everyone would soon forget about you.

It didn't help that he had a boyfriend that's in another group.

His name is Matt Harris. He was with the pretty people, a group that also made up the middle class. He was everything that Tord ever wanted. Matt saw Tord as equal. Not as someone he could have control over, nor as someone that could control him. No. Matt saw Tord as equal.

Matt respected Tord. A thing that not most people did for him. Not only that, but just the way Matt is was enough to sweep Tord off his feet.

Tord already thought Matt was cute when he first met him. But once he got to know Matt, he began to like the ginger more.

Despite that Matt was gullible, he wasn't stupid. In fact, he was smart. Could rule the world if he wanted. He'd bring people together, no matter how different they are. He could make the people least likely to become friends into pals in only a few weeks. Matt was confident in himself. Something that Tord liked. Matt knew how much he's worth, and he was not afraid of showing it off. And because of that confidence, he was sure that he could find a friend for just about anyone.

But despite all of that, it wasn't enough for the hierarchy to make an exception. It was 'treason' enough to even be friends with someone outside of your clique. You'd have the high school equivalent of death if you'd ever be found dating someone that was not in your social circle.

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