I Don't Like Love (TomTord, angst)

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Once again, this angst isn't really about depression and so on. But it does surround the topic of death and heartbreak.

So in this story, Tord has hanahaki disease, as he longs for Tom. Not much to say here. I got hugely inspired by a comic I found on Pinterest. Not sure who drew that, but shout out to them! But without further ado, here is my first (well, serious) angst one-shot. With no fluff, just straight up angst.


Tord hated love. He hated it with every fiber of his being.

Ever since he was young, he would turn his nose up in disgust at the slightest mention of love. Roll his eyes at couples he sees on the streets. Despise all the romance movies. So tell him, for the love of God, did he find love? And why, above all people, did it have to be the one person that hated him the most?

Tom, a man with no eyes, his enemy ever since the end of college, was his love as well. But Tord knew he despised him. And if Tom was any other person, Tord wouldn't mind it. Lots of people didn't like him. But Tom wasn't those people. He found ways to get under his skin that other people couldn't do.

The ongoing battle between the two wasn't direct. But it was very passive aggressive. The two would constantly throw shade at the other, saying snarky remarks like, "Don't throw a Christmas party. A certain Jehovah who doesn't know how to have fun wouldn't like it." or "Some Commie would love this gross shit. He's always gross."

Tord never meant what he said. But if hated love, and he began to love someone, why not hate them too?

The only person who seemed to welcome Tord's presence was Edd. Oh, why couldn't he love him? Edd was everything Tord could have wanted in a lover. The two were very close, Edd was funny, and overall, didn't treat Tord like a piece of shit. But Edd wasn't the one to have his love.

It was Tom who got his love. Oh, he could go on hours on how much he loved him. Deep inside his rude exterior was a caring and protective person. He was sarcastic and always seemed to speak what was on his mind, not caring what others think or not.

Tord sat there in his room. Coughing. He wasn't able to stop coughing ever since he woke up and it has been driving him crazy. Tord just assumed he was insanely sick and locked himself in his room so he wouldn't get anyone else sick. Matt, sure. But Tom and Edd, no.

But the thought of him being sick faded as he felt something creep up his throat. Tord coughed more, hoping to get whatever was blocking his airways out. Finally, he retched something out. But it was something Tord didn't expect.

It was a flower. A yellow one, to be exact. Tord grew confused and took out his phone, typing, 'Why am I coughing up flowers?'

Soon, his phone screen was swarmed with different sources. Tord clicked on the first one and began reading.

'Hanahaki disease: a disease where a patient coughs up flowers due to unrequited love. Surgeries to remove the disease are available, but it is expensive and results in no more emotions toward whoever the patient has feelings towards.'

Huh... that actually makes sense. Tord loves Tom, but of course, Tom doesn't love him back. Plus, he is willing to sacrifice his feelings towards Tom if this means living. In fact, it might help him say even nastier remarks about Tom.

Tord typed one more question: 'How much do Hanahaki disease surgeries cost?'

Tord wasn't expecting much, but almost cursed his phone out when he found out how much money the surgery cost. "£81,000,000!?" Tord screeched. He doesn't have that money!

Tord threw his phone away somewhere in his room, sighing. He puts his hands on his face and sighed. He didn't want to tell anyone about this disease. Or else they'll start treating him differently and he does not like different. He might as well start saving up money right this moment. He wants to get rid of this disease and his feelings towards Tom as quickly as possible.

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