You're My Kitty Kat

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Once school was left out for the day, Kat grabbed her dingy bag and put her phone and small things in her back pocket. She grabbed her jacket and wrapped it around her waist. She slammed her locker shut and headed down the stairs to get away from her too preppy of a school.

She basically raced down the stairs. When she was off of the steps and felt cars pass her, she put her ear buds in her ear and attempted to listen to All Time Low. She finally decided on Break Your Little Heart and sighed.

Walking in time with the beat, she whispered the lyrics and trudged with her hands in her pockets. When she got to the park, she smiled as she watched children play and mothers push the swings. Kat immediately bit her cheek and sat on a bench, alone.

She instantly jiggled her leg and licked her lips. She replayed the events of the day in her head and wondered why everyone was being so nice to her.

During second period, Kat listened to the boys talk about her. They unknowingly did so because she had ear buds in but no music was playing. They kept on laughing at the boy she called dog because he didn't have the guts to tell her that he sat where she was sitting. Obviously Kat was going to sit there forever now.

Lunch was the worst though. Kat had no idea where to sit so she sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria while some girls thought it would be a good idea to warn her about talking to the three boys again.

Kat ended up with a warning and the other girls ended up with broken noses.

She didn't necessarily believe in violence but she couldn't control her temper. That's why most people don't want her when she goes to their home. They look at her eyebrow piercing, her hair, her language, and the music she listens to and judges her saying that she would never be a good role model.

However, she was a very good role model. Especially for her brother. Sure her exterior was scary, but underneath she was a sensitive Chihuahua. She was showing her little brother to never be scared and stand up for yourself, even if you have to fight in order to protect yourself.

But then she would always argue that if he got hurt, she would be the one to kill whoever did it. Most people thought she was exaggerating but her brother and her knew that she wasn't. She would really hurt someone if they laid a finger on her.

It explains why she has a record.

It explains why her last foster home dropped her off.

Nobody would even dare ask Kat about her story though. They were too frightened and nobody would believe her anyway.

A juvenile delinquent and a ten-year old boy against a perfectly well-known couple who have never done any wrong.

It was clear why people didn't believe Kat and her brother. Kat was glad to get her brother out of the house and she was glad that she had to go to prison for him. Sure, it was horrible there but as long as her brother was safe.

She sighed and looked down at her music player. She quickly sighed and closed her eyes. She hummed along to the song as it explained her life perfectly.

To be hurt
To be lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

Knowing that the elementary school was about to get out, she had gotten up from the bench and walked towards it. She was one of the many people there standing for the children. Of course, Kat got dirty looks for her beanie, hair, piercings, and tattered clothing but she also knew some of them thought she was waiting for her own kid.

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