As Loyal As A Dog

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"Kat!" a girl yelled through the halls. Kat looked around the halls and was instantly met with rude glares from people who were right behind her. They crashed into her because of this and they acted as if she completely bothered them. They wouldn't be late to their class periods because knew that their next class period was just down the stairs. Eventually, Kat saw a hand waving through the clumps of students and stay stilled as it came closer to her. She sighed when she noticed that it was Ali and began walking towards her too. When they both met, Kat turned her body around and they began walking like every student in the hall. "She gave us a hundred on our project." Kat's immediate reaction was of shock.

Their English teacher was the toughest teacher on grading. She's never given an one-hundred on an assignment before Kat was surprised that they were given one. They completely went over their allotted time and backed up the other people who had to present. They were only supposed to be nine minutes, but they ended up being fifteen. Even the do-gooders in the classroom didn't get above ninety-five. They had the highest final grade for that section. The teacher was strict on grading and she usually found one flaw. Especially since they worked together, she would take points off because somebody wasn't doing as much work.

"Yeah, I was just as surprised as you were," Ali told her. She nodded her head in excitement and her smile didn't seem to vanish as they went down the stairs. As soon as they were on level-flooring again and Kat slowed down for her, she wore the same exact smile. "I think you won her over with your rap battle between Gatsby and Tom."

"I personally liked Myrtle and Daisy's battle," she replied.

"Naw," Ali argued. "I really liked that ending to their rap battle." Ali shook her head and Kat felt her cheeks slowly beginning to redden.

She would never admit it, but writing her Gatsby rap was one of the hardest things that she has ever written. She was glad that they had gotten a one-hundred because she felt like they had deserved that grade. She worked for about seven hours on it—although she did mess around with it for a while. Her finished product was something that she was proud of and even if she hadn't gotten in the fight with Tyson, she would've worked that hard on the rap. It seemed like the assignment would be fun.

"And at lunch the varsity and JV teams are going to be posted," Ali added as she walked with Kat to her locker. She poured her book in the bottom and pulled out her music player. She looked over once she closed her locker and nodded her head. Together, Ali and her made their way to their study hall, but as soon as they got inside, they separated.

Ali went with her table.

And Kat went to an empty table to sleep.

"Where are Roxanne and Frankie?" Ali asked as she sat down. Her smiled hasn't faded since she learned about her perfect grade and it wasn't going to vanish now. Fisher shrugged his shoulders as he continued to look through his phone. He's been giving her the cold shoulder lately, but she wasn't exactly sure why.

He didn't know that Kat knew.

He didn't know if she had gotten her period yet.

He didn't know anything.

He propped his phone on the table and turned it around so that she could read it. She skimmed the long text and sighed. It figures that Roxanne would drag Frankie to a college fair, but why Frankie would let her is a mystery. Ali just shrugged her shoulders though and found herself looking towards Kat. As soon as Fisher noticed her looking, he sighed too.

"You could invite her over here," he said. "I've never had a problem with her, it's Frankie who does." Ali seemed uneasy about the situation, but she got up anyway. Their conversation was tensed and maybe Kat could fix that. It seemed as if talking was one of her main specialties—you just had to start the conversation with you.

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