Cat's Cradle

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"Kat..." Frankie seemed embarrassed as he called on her for his volleyball team. Yesterday she really proved herself again everybody. The best part was when she would mouth off towards Frankie. She smirked as she slowly walked to the other side of the net and watched as the teams became stacked against each other. One team was clearly better than the other, but with Kat on the opposing team, it would be hard to figure out which team would win. She would literally dive onto the floor—something nobody else would do—to make sure that the ball goes over the net. Most of the times when she hit it, it went over but there was always a moment where it teetered and fell back to their side.

Kat was playing center yesterday though. They never switched their positions because Kat was rocking the area she had. However, one of the boys was out sick today so instead of it being five-against-four, it was four-against-four. Kat looked at her team and watched as the two front positions were taken so she took the back right one. Although she admits that she's a good volleyball player, serving is her weak point. As soon as the ball was thrown towards her to serve first, she held onto it tightly and looked at her teammates as they began arching their backs. They were ready to pounce.

"Is anyone on this team a good server?" she asked. Her teammates looked back at her, but nodded their heads no. She bit her lip for a moment but sighed. She knew she would have to do it. After all, she's heard sexist comments about how serving is the only thing that girls are good at. "Underhand or overhand?" she wondered. She scratched at her hair as she watched Frankie shrug his shoulders. She looked over at the other team's server—Tyson—and saw as he made a motion for underhand. Kat wasn't very good at underhand serving and her whole team found that out when it hit the ceiling. She received a couple of chuckles from the other team, but Frankie looked mad.

"Don't start sucking now that I pick you," he warned. Kat immediately nodded her head and waited for a moment.

"I might need a couple of tries to get it over the net. I haven't served in a while," she warned.

"Just hit the ball!" Frankie finally yelled. He turned back around to face the net and Kat immediately knew what she was doing as she threw the ball in the air. She smacked her hand across the volleyball and watched as it flew right towards Frankie. He clutched as it from amazement and then looked back at Kat with fury. She just shrugged her shoulders as she retrieved the ball.

"I did say it might take me a couple of tries." She smirked at him and he shook his head angrily. She waited a couple of minutes for him to turn around towards the net again, but he just kept staring at her. "I want to at least get a game going." She motioned with her finger so that he would turn around, but instead he stormed away from the nets. She rolled her eyes and motioned for her other team members to move to the front. "I'll cover back, okay?" she asked. The teammates nodded their heads, but as she got ready to serve, they had to look back to make sure that she couldn't hit them with the ball.

When she tossed the ball up in the air and hit it scare over the net, her other teammates couldn't help but look back at her. She didn't see their gazes for a moment but when she did, she couldn't help but smile at them. As soon as the ball was tossed back, she served it right over the net again.

She couldn't help but feel a little bad at how she hit Frankie. She had to admit that he did kind of deserve it. She's learned through all of the high schools that she's been in, that she has to show people she means business. If she wants to be herself—piercings and fire-red hair—she had to stick up for herself because nobody did. She's upset status quos before and this isn't going to change just because he's the only one mean to her. Everybody else was really nice to her. Frankie just didn't because she stood up for herself. That's the problem with standing up for yourself—half of the people will respect you for it and the other half don't like it at all. She's seen it too many times and the only people who seem to ever have a problem with it are the ones that are used to getting their ways.

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