Sick As A Dog

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"Tyson!" Kat yelled from the bathroom. She looked around for her clothes, but was met with an empty counter. She squinted her bad eye to a close and tried to look through her good one. She heard footsteps and the door were immediately opened. Kat slammed against it as a first reaction and didn't let her guard down until she felt the pressure on the other end let go.

"I have clothes for you." Kat let go of the door and opened it herself. She stuck her arm out and grabbed for her clothes. When she closed the door as she reeled her arm in, she noticed that these weren't her original clothes. "Uh, they're mine," Tyson explained.

"How long will my clothes be?" Kat questioned.

"Probably two hours. Why?"

"Well..." Kat looked at the things Tyson brought and when she looked in the mirror, she noticed that her cheeks were turning a brighter red that she wasn't used to. "I need my bra and underwear from the pile." There was dead silence on the other end and Kat felt awkward as she put Tyson's clothes on. He probably wouldn't want them back. She made sure that her hair covered over her boobs and she turned around to make sure that she wouldn't accidentally flash him. When she was good, she opened the door and looked at Tyson in the face. His cheeks were a red too, but when he looked at Kat, his face went back to a shocked expression. "Do you have bandages?"

"You were supposed to leave it on."

"It falls off when it gets wet," Kat responded. Tyson and her had a moment where they just stared at each other for a moment. When Tyson looked back in her bad eye, he knew that she wouldn't take it off on purpose. He nodded his head and went towards his medicine cabinet.

"Sit on the toilet," he instructed. She did as she was told and Tyson looked around for any bigger bandages that they had. It wasn't exactly what the nurse recommended for her to put on her eye, but it was the only thing that Tyson owned in his house. He was certain that Kat didn't have anything better either. He turned back around and grabbed her chin so that he could look in her eye.

He couldn't help but grimace. Her eye was surrounded by a blood red and the veins on her eyes were an even deeper red. It was disgusting to look at, but he knew that they would get better. The part that shook him up was that where the brown was in the eyes, there was a big gash of red going across it. He wasn't even sure if she could see out of it. Much less if she could see color out of it.

He slowly began to hold down the bandage as he taped it across her face. He knew that she would have trouble getting it off, but it would hold up through the night. He wasn't sure if she moved when she slept, but she would wake up if she started ripping it off. It would definitely rip some skin off and he wouldn't be surprised if some of her eyebrow hair would come off with it.

"Thank you," she said once he was done. He put the things back in the cabinet and nodded his head. She followed him soundlessly to his room and plunked down on his bed before he could. She smiled at him as he took the computer desk chair.

"Here, my mom brought it up while you were in the shower." Tyson handed a warm bowl of soup to Kat and watched as she almost dropped it. It wasn't as hot as when she had originally brought it, but it would still sting if you held it for a while. Kat seemed pleased when she got it to her lap and began eating at it happily. "So do you want to call your parents to tell them where you're at?" Kat looked up and slurped a noodle down. She nodded her head no really quick and continued to eat like she hadn't eaten in a while. "Won't they be worried?" Kat nodded no again and Tyson found this really suspicious. This time she didn't even look up at him as she continued eating the soup. He could tell that it was hurting her to eat it so fast because the steam coming from her mouth was a dead give away and so was the fact that she was flinching every time she placed a noodle in her mouth. "So, where's Jay been at?" Kat looked up and took a bit longer to swallow the food in her bowl.

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