Cat Scratch Fever

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"Why'd you do it, Kat?" Jay asked as he watched Kat through the glass. He touched the only thing that was between them, but Kat couldn't meet her brother's eyes. She hasn't talked in days and even though she knew he saw it, she didn't want to bring light of her newly busted lip and a bruised eye. Jay looked at her a little longer before realizing that she wasn't going to bust and she wasn't going to tell him why she did everything she did. All he knew was that his sister was being taken away from him because she was at a party that had alcohol at it. He hung up the phone again and nodded to the security officer. He politely escorted him and Kat got the last glimpse of him that she could.

Her own security guard wasn't as nice and took her roughly by the arm. She heard the locks being undone and as she walked through the halls, she watched the women do their chores and look her up and down. Kat didn't meet any of their faces and although she was once respected and put up a big fight, everyone knew of her defeat last night. They also knew that she didn't even try to stop any of them. Kat accepted her fate and even though she was once the alpha of the prisoners, she was at the bottom of the food chain.

Which was why the current alpha came up to her.

"Kat, what's going on with you?" she asked as soon as she grabbed her grub of what she called food. She spoke in hushed tones in case anybody heard them. Although she didn't really care because they were cellmates after all. She had a standoff with Kat last night, but she never pictured her to back down so easily.

Kat looked back up at her old cellmate. She didn't make any emotion in her face known, but on the inside she was smirking. She knew she deserved this because she remembered the warning she was given when she was just getting out.

"If I ever see you back in this joint, you'll be my bitch."

Well Skyler definitely kept that promise. Skyler was a basic white girl with a wild side to her. When she gets drunk, everybody better get away because she takes out all of her family issues out on everyone else. Look at her weird? Her fist is coming at your throat. Literally. She's a natural born fighter and so many people took advantage of that when she came to jail. The only person who didn't underestimate her was Kat. Which is why Skyler never underestimated her.

"I don't even have a scratch on me," she said. She looked around and saw some stares. As soon as she made eye contact though, they turned away and Kat could tell that she was fighting every urge to yell at them. "At least make it look like you put up a fight." Kat barely smiled at her and she knew that Skyler was fighting every urge to slap her.

"I see those anger management classes are working," Kat whispered.

Skyler lost it.

Kat didn't put up a fight.

Skyler was put in solitary confinement.

Kat got stitches.


"You'll probably need stitches," the doctor said. He turned Frankie's nose and looked at it better. "You should've come in immediately as soon as it happened." Frankie immediately knew that he couldn't because he was drunk and high, but he wasn't going to let the doctor know that. "We might have to do surgery too."


"Your nose is clear-cut down to the bone and your cheek tissue..." He shook his head and let go of his face. "If we have your permission, we would like to do a full-body check too. Just to make sure you weren't hurt anywhere else."

"Nowhere else is hurting," Frankie mumbled.

"There could be internal bleeding and the shock may not have worn off of you yet." Frankie turned towards the door to see a sweet female nurse come in the room. He eyed her up because she was a petite brunette. Her hair was wild and uncared for, but her round cheeks made up for it. She smiled politely and asked to speak to the doctor for a minute. He looked at Frankie once more and nodded his head. However as he turned out and before he grabbed the door, he smirked.

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