Bad Dog

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"I have her waiting in my car, but she thinks that you raped her," Lillian said. She watched Tyson slowly as this registered through his head. She knew that he was high and it was taking a little bit to register to his brain the news. Once he did, he smiled a bit and shook his head. Lillian wanted to stay and help, but she knew that she had to help Kat. She knew that no one should be left alone after they weren't sure of what happened to them. Even though Lillian knew it wasn't Tyson, she knew that it would put more comfort into Kat knowing what happened, then what didn't and leave her hanging. She already didn't know how it happened or probably what she did to lead up to them. For all she knows, she had willing sex, but the problem was that she couldn't remember it. "Don't drive home in your state of mind, okay?" Lillian asked. Tyson shook his head and instead of smiling, he had a death glare on his face for a moment. Lillian looked him in the eyes, but she knew that she couldn't stay much longer. "I'll try to convince her that you didn't, but I'm not sure how I could."

Tyson didn't say anything and Lillian left with a tension in the air. Tyson shook his head again and although he couldn't think well, he knew that he could think well enough. He shook his head again and felt a little pain in his heart. He really enjoyed having Kat as a friend and she thinks he raped her. He knew one thing though.

She was raped.

As he continued to think of this fact in the silence that was surrounding him, he knew that he was going to get angry. As the anger boiled up inside of him, he knew that he couldn't control it. Even if he wasn't high, he wouldn't be able to control the anger he was having towards Frankie. He shook his head again and for a moment, he really did try to calm himself down.

But Kat thought that he had hurt her.

Standing up and pushing through the bathroom door, he rushed through the couples making out in the hall towards Frankie's room. He wasn't sure if he would still be in his room, but he didn't care. He flung the door open and surprisingly, it wasn't locked. However he did hear one horrified scream and a very gruff sigh coming from Frankie. It took Tyson's eyes a moment to readjust to the darkness, but once he was able to see a little better, he saw that Frankie had another girl in his bed. Only this time, this girl was willing to have sex with him.

"What the fuck dude?" Frankie yelled at him. He didn't even attempt to cover him or his girl up. Instead he had a dirty smirk on his face and he knew what he did. Tyson's anger boiled over as soon as he saw this. He didn't even care that there was a girl in the room.

He instantly stomped his way towards Frankie and the girl instantly knew something was going on. However, she didn't need to do anything because Tyson very easily ripped her from the bed. She landed with a bang on the floor, but she didn't stick around to make sure that he knew she was slightly hurt. She instantly scurried out of the room with none of her clothes on except her bra. Tyson didn't wait for her to completely leave though. He instantly grabbed for Frankie and even though he was naked and it was awkward, he grabbed him by the armpits and got really close to his face.

"I told you not to fucking touch Kat!" The boom of his voice didn't frighten Frankie though. Instead it just made him cock an eyebrow and smirk. "What are you smiling about?"

"It's a tradition after all."

"No!" he yelled. "Raping girls is not the tradition! Having sex with willing girls is tradition!"

"Lillian wasn't willing." Frankie smiled and all at once, every ounce of anger spilled out of Tyson. He wasn't a violent person, but in that moment, he managed to become one. His fist clenched and before he knew it, the first fist went flying right into Frankie's mouth.

They just kept coming until you couldn't even make out his face anymore. It was just blood and gore. Tyson didn't stop until all of the anger was out of him and even then, he punched him one more time.

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