Dogs Hump Everything

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"That was Lillian," Chae told Kat as they went into the locker rooms for half time. She was glad that it was clear on her face that she had no idea of who the girl was. It seemed that she was the only one though because everybody else went to hug her when they realized who it was. Chae's ponytail swayed from side to side as they went into the showers to pee rather fast. They didn't have enough time to wait in the line for the bathrooms that some of the girls were already in so everyone found out just truly how disgusting the volleyball team is.

They pee in the showers.

Kat nodded her head as she squatted and stood beside Chae. She was interested in knowing who she was, but there was a girl rule that they don't talk when they're standing next to someone and peeing. Over half of the girls ignored that rule, but Kat didn't feel like talking at the moment. Despite the Lillian appearance and how happy everyone seemed to be, they were losing their first volleyball game of the season.

They still had time to make it up, but it was doubtful that they would. Roxanne was very distracted during the game and the coach didn't want to put anyone else in unless she got hurt. As soon as half time rang out, Roxanne and Ali ran away from each other in a huddle whisper and Kat knew not to intrude on them. Something was going on, but it didn't need any of her attention.

"She used to be on the volleyball team and everyone loved her. She was the nicest and sassiest person in your grade," Chae told Kat as she pulled her shorts back up. Together they turned the showers on and washed their hands while talking. "She kind of reminds me a lot of you."

"I'm not nice."

"But she is so sarcastic."

"So if she was so loved, why'd she move?" Kat asked as she turned the water off and wiped it all over her shorts. Chae's face immediately went from a smile to a straightened face. She seemed worried, but since Kat wasn't looking at her, she would never be able to see it. Chae shook her head and found her eyes traveling to where Roxanne and Ali were huddled at. They felt the stare and looked to where Chae was.

And Chae eyed at Kat.

"Hey, girlies!" a voice rang out as a door slammed open and shut. Kat turned around to see the platinum blonde bounding from the hallway. She was as sweaty as everyone else, but that didn't stop her from hugging everyone. As soon as she received most of her hugs, she walked towards Roxanne and Ali and gave the biggest hug to them ever. "I miss you guys so much!"

"We didn't know you became a Beaver," Ali told her as she stopped hugging her. She had a smile on her face as Lillian went to hug Roxanne. It was a little more timid—from both sides—but, Roxanne managed to hug her anyway.

"Well, I thought about quitting volleyball for a while and you both know that." She nodded her head and sat down on the bench. "But I wasn't going to let what happened ruin my favorite sport for me." She shrugged her shoulders and looked up at the girls who were still standing. It was clear that they had their personal space since all of the girls were huddling towards the corner of the locker room that was away from them.

"So we're having a party tonight, do you want to come?" Ali asked. Immediately Lillian's head shot up and Roxanne elbowed her so hard in the stomach. It took a couple of moments for Ali to stop flinching from it and when she did, she saw the concern on Lillian's face. "We're almost positive that they aren't going to do any dares this year."

"How could you be sure?" Lillian asked. She squinted her eyes at both of them and her smile was already gone. Neither of them wanted to meet her gaze, but Ali wanted to prove that the boys could learn their lesson. Lillian looked around the locker room again and sighed a little bit of relief. "At least there's no one new who wouldn't have known about their traditions." Lillian shook her head and as she looked at the clock on the wall, she missed the look that Ali and Roxanne were giving each other. "I should probably head back. Good luck trying to catch up." She smiled as she skipped out and as she made her way onto the court where her team was already ready for her, she looked back to see their team coming out.

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