Fatal Attraction

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Fatal Attraction 


"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

― Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address


"I want to be your teardrop so I can be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips," he murmured, ogling at the beauty before him with longing looks, wholly mesmerised.

Really, a pick-up line as cliche as that? She thought to herself, her deep-set pair of gorgeous sea-green eyes rolling mentally. "Why, I'm truly honoured," she voiced out coyly, batting her thick, dark and luscious lashes. Lying, it is what she is best at.

He pounced onto her when lust got the better of him, slamming them both onto the concrete wall in the dimly-lit back alley. He breathed a husky "I want you," before planting urgent kisses from her neck to her rosy cheek, whilst stroking her voluminous mane of jet black tousled waves.

Men, she thought to herself before snickering. I never fail to have them wrapped around my fingers. She let out an evil cackle before glancing at the man seductively, biting down onto her full, maroon lips concurrently.

"Oh sir," she started, running her hand through his soft chestnut side-swept hair, her voice meek and gentle, but soon veered into one of malicious intents. Her eyes took on a magenta glowing hue, with her pupils appearing almost cat-like. The man stumbled backwards at the sudden vicissitude, his eyes dilating in horror. He tumbled across the cragged ground, grazing both his bare palms.

"Yo-you're not a vampire are you?" He was terror-struck when he felt blood oozing from his fresh wounds. He reached into his crisp white shirt with haste to retrieve something from around his neck, clutching onto it right in front of him, praying profusely.

"Please, place your Cross back to where it was before, it doesn't affect me a single bit," she scoffed, rolling her eyes once more. Trembling, he lowered it reluctantly.

"A vampire, really? Ignorant fools; all you people do is link everything to the work of vampires. Vampires this, vampires that. Although they are widely popularised by Eddy Cullan from that vampire movie, it doesn't make them all high and mighty. My kind, for starters, is far more superior than those pesky little vampires," she strutted towards him gracefully, her sky-high red suede heels clacking with her every step.

"W-what are you then?"

"I'm your worst nightmare," she sent a wink before diving towards the now petrified man, who was previously enthralled by her charm.

"Wait!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. Taken aback, she came to an abrupt stop, a few centimetres from him. "Is there any possible way for me to plead for my life?" He implored, fear flashing across his boring blue eyes.

She furrowed her tidy eyebrows, pondering over it; no one had made such a request, ever. "Fine," she finally spoke up after what felt like eons to the man. "Make a guess as to what I am. I might consider sparing your pathetic life if you get it right."

"You will?" His eyes glistened instantaneously as soon as her words hit him.

She nodded slightly, regretting it just a little. "You only have thirty seconds, tick tock, tick tock."

"Werewolf!" He exclaimed, which was responded to with a scowl and a vigorous shake of her head. "Dark fairy?" He attempted again, which successfully earned him a disapproving look as well as impatient taps of her foot on the concrete ground. A series of inaccurate speculation went on for the next twenty-nine seconds before he blurted, "S.."

"Ding, time's up handsome, and you lost," she pouted, feigning sorrow for the man. "Now, it's time to pay, with your life that is," she cocked her right brow triumphantly.

A blood-curdling scream filled the empty streets sonorously, and before long, a curvaceous silhouette accentuated by the streetlights appeared, a smirk playing on her lips, satisfied with her latest prey.

Fatal Attraction (NOT completed, midst of editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang