For a lifetime

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Once again you've woken up gasping from that nightmare you always have, it's the same every night, one scene, one person, one phone call, one consuming feeling. That feeling was the only feeling I got for some time now, until lately.

Something happened, and I couldn't help but be very happy for you and want to throw you a party, but you dint act very happy. It was the first time we have felt opposing feelings, I've always felt sad when you were but this time was different and I want to figure out why.

 Why is it that when your best friend told you that you two were going to be best friends forever you felt so negative? I think I know why you felt that but I can't fall to conclusions so easily.

I still can't do anything when you are awake I'm totally controlled by you, can you be a little less on guard all the time? As far as I can assume right now I can only act completely free when I'm in your dream, so I will do something without you noticing.

I will write down all the times you and I felt happy and tell you all about it when you can finally hear me, and ask you questions to understand you better, I will hide them from you well, I bet I'll want to talk quite a bit about it later on.

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