Life is not easy but we must learn

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Once again the cycle keeps repeating itself, but tonight I made a bold move. When we were in the dream world and you were walking towards the desk to write everything that happened in the day, I ran away to a secret room I found a week ago, and today I discovered what I can do here.

It was a bit difficult to discover the purpose of this room, since when I enter it seems like your awake while still being asleep. But I discovered what is this place, when I enter here I get transferred in total control of your body without you knowing. I make you sleepwalk with each of my actions and I can do whatever I want. 

Since I discovered this Ill do all the things that I think you should do, I'll do what I think is my duty, making sure you're safe and happy.

This night I decided I needed to make sure You don't ruin your own life, I'll save you of loneliness. I started to write down all the good memories I wrote in your head and hid them under your desk in your room.

 Then I took your phone and pressed to do a video call with your best friend, it took a while for her to respond but she looked at the phone worried.

—Yeialel? Are you ok? It's one in the morning—  She rubbed her eyes

—Cream...I'm sorry...— My voice comes out of me in a whisper, my head kept wobbling forwards and my hands couldn't hold the phone straight making you look at my face really closely

—What are you talking about?— 

—Me ignoring you... it's just that I... I haven't been feeling very fine since...— I drift off feeling strongly the sensation my next words were going to make my voice crack so I try to take a deep breath.


—Since you told me you won't leave my side ever, you'll be by me forever and ever and eveeeerrrrr— My voice still cracked and at the end, I sounded like a little kid talking about a happy ever after, she looks like she noticed I'm sleep-talking.

—I stand by what I say, but why are you feeling bad about that?— She finally looks enough waken up for her voice to sound as squeaky and sweet as I always remember.

—I-i-i I'm scared—My feelings took over me and I start crying intensely.

—Petit chéri—She uses her usual nickname he has for you that means "little sweetie" in french —Dont be scared I'm always going to be here, go and sleep, Oki?— She softly whispers with a calming expression.

—Noooooo, I dont want you to leave me yet, I'll miss you— I refuse.

—ok.. how about this? You lay down on your bed and Ill sing you to sleep, Would you like that?—I nod.

I quickly did as she said and put the phone in a way it miraculously made her have a better look at me than when I was holding it in my hands. She sang to me a lullaby and it dint took long for me to fall fast asleep.

Then I found you waking up again with heaviness, you seem like you dont know what you did last night which made you confused when you saw tear marks on your face with red eyes and your phone facing at you.

You kept trying to ignore her, but I kept going inside that room at night always ending the same as the next, she singing you to sleep after a good time of crying. I can tell she is aware that she is talking with your sleeping self, she hasn't told you anything about it, and I'm thankful she hasn't.

My plan is arising for me to finally be able to help you live happily.

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