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Yang:I can't believe our baby sister is going to Beacon with us! This is the best day ever!

Ruby:please stop...

A few days ago Ruby stopped a Dust robbery and because of that she got into Beacon early. Me and Yang were happy for her, maybe Yang a little more.

Yang:but we're so proud of you!

Dio:indeed, but don't do it again...unless me or Yang are there

Ruby:Dio I'm fine, I can handle my self


Ruby:please don't!

Me and Yang laughed.

Dio:gets me every time

She was scared of my Semblance, I didn't blame her. can see Signal from up here

Then a blonde guy ran past to a bin.

Yang:well a guess the view isn't for everyone

Dio:Yang you got puke on your shoes

Yanh:gross,gross, gross,gross,gross, gross,gross,gross

Ruby:get away from me!

I sighed.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Dio playing rock,paper, scissors with his stand.


We got off the bullhead and I saw how big the place was. Ruby started geeking out over weapons.

Yang:Ruby maybe you should try to talk to people and not there weapons

Ruby:but this is way easier

Dio:doesn't matter, now if you excuse me I'm gonna quickly explore this place...Za Wardo

I stopped time and walked around the courtyard and came back. Time resumed.

Dio:this place is boring

Yang:here are my friends now gotta go bye, come on Dio!

She grabbed me.

Dio:sorry Ruby I can't be bothered stopping her!

I let her drag me along with her. We stopped in the auditorium.

Dio:this is were we're supposed to be?

Yang:looks like it...can you go see Ruby? Make sure she goes the right way?

Dio:fine, should of left me...Zu Wardo

I stopped time and left the auditorium and into the courtyard. I saw smoke coming from the courtyard and time started. I walked toward it. I saw Ruby on the ground with some white haired bitch yelling at her.

Dio:Za Wardo

I stopped time once again, I walked toward the girl, picked her up and hung her over the edge of the cliff. Time started again. She looked up and saw me. She screamed.

???:put me down! Do you know who I am!?

Dio:as you wish

I was about to drop her.

Ruby:Dio! Don't do it!

I sighed.

Dio:fine...ruin my fun

I threw her back over.

Dio:come on Ruby we're going

Ruby:please dont-

Dio:Za Wardo!


I picked her up and walked toward the auditorium. I put Ruby down next to Yang and time started.

Ruby:-oooo-oh hi Yang

Yang:thay was fast

Ruby:he hung a girl off the edge of the cliff


Dio:I will do as I damn well please sister

Ozpin got on stage and began a speech which I didn't listen to. I actually fell asleep. Yang nudged me.


Yang:you fell asleep, come on we're sleeping in the Cafeteria


I was dragged to the Cafeteria. I got ready for bed. I just put on a black vest and gold pants.

Yang:what you doing?

Ruby:writing a letter for the gang back in Signal


A pillow was thrown in my face.

Ruby:it's weird not knowing anyone here

Dio:what about the white haired chick I hung off the edge of a cliff

Yang:you actually did that?

Dio:I do not regret if you excuse me I'm gonna go to bed-


I looked up and saw the white haird girl.

Dio:oh for sweet satan, what do you want?

I stood up.

???:I want an apology

Dio:for what?

???:haning me off the side of a cliff!

Dio:it was justified I mean you were yelling at my sister after she sneezed so...thought I'd bring your entitled ass down a few pegs, also I'm assuming your rich based on the luggage and butlers...mostly the butlers

She got angry.

Wiess:I am Wiess Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust Company and I wil-

Dio:ok I've had enough...Za Wardo


Time stopped. I grabbed her and climed into the rafters and held her over the edge.

Wiess:no! How do you do this!?

Dio:little something I call "the world" I rule it

I dropped her and before she hit the floor my Stand caught her. I jaml down.

Dio:now what did we learn?

Wiess:don't uh?

Dio:mess with me or my family and you will wake up falling

My Stand dissapeard dropping her. She ran away. I laid back down in my bed and sighed.


Ruby:you thinks she's useless?


Dio Xaiolong Za Wardo is his (Rwby x Jojo)Where stories live. Discover now