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I was in Obblecks class half listening.

Obbleck:now who can tell me what advantage the Faunes had over General Lagoons forces?

I saw Cardin flick paper at Jaun waking him up then Obbleck noticed.

Obbleck:Mr Arc! Finally contributing to class excellent, excellent! What is the answer?

Jaun:uh...the answer. The advantage of the Faunes had over that guys stuff...

Pyhrra tried to help him by pointing at her eyes oh night vision that's it.


Most people in the class laughed. So did I.

Obbleck:very funny Mr Arc, Cardin perhaps you would like to share your shots on the subject!?

Cardin:well I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soilder

Dio:and you have now moved up my shit list

Cardin:what you got a problem?

Dio:yes but I also have the answer. Night vision, most Faunes can see clear as day in the dark

Cardin huffed.

Blake:General Lagoon was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunes in their sleep his massive army was out matched and the General was captured. Perhaps of he paid attention in class he wouldn't of been remembered as such a failure

Cardin stood up.

Dio:sit down little man...otherwise I'll teach you the power of the World

My stand appeared behind me. He sat back down.

Obbleck:Mr Winchester you and Mr Arc shall both see me after class for additional moving on!

We all left and I went back to my Dorm. I opened the door and saw Ginora sitting on my bed with a blonde boy who looked kinda like me.

Dio:who's this?

Ginora:my Brother

Dio:ok...your fucking what?

He got off the bed and walked over.

???:are you Dio?

Dio:yes are you also my kid?

He kicked me in the shines.

???:that was for leaving Mother

Dio:seriously who is your Mother!? What's you name?


Dio:alright Giorno, Ginora are their any other siblings I should know about?

Ginora:no just us also can you diy my hair

Dio:ok-you want me to what?

Giorno:Mother usually diyd her hair for her

I sighed.

Dio:alright come staying Giorno?

Giorno:Mother sent me here to stay

Dio:cool as long as there's no more mystery children

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Dio diying Ginora's hair while Giorno watches.


Dio:oh my God your adorable

Ginora's hair was pink and God damn I love being a dad.

Giorno:I agree you do look adorable

I then had the greatest idea.

Dio:I got an idea Giorno your Ants don't know you exist let's surprise them with...matching T-shirts!

I pulled out three shirts I orderd. Mine said I make cute babies and two others said I'm a cute baby.

Ginora:I love it!

Giorno:when did you get these?

Dio:I orderd them awhile ago they sent me extras let's go


We were all about to go to sleep when the door was knocked. I went to answer and saw Dio holding Ginora and some other kid and they had T-shirts oh-Oh God!

 I went to answer and saw Dio holding Ginora and some other kid and they had T-shirts oh-Oh God!

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Dio/Ginora/???:sup bitches

Yang:what...the... FUCK!?

I dragged them in.

???:your right that was worth the practice

Yang:who is this!?

Dio:my son Giorno

Ruby:oh my Gosh he's so cute!

Ginora:what about me?

Ruby:your both adorable! I'm an ant of two adorable babies!

She took them.

Dio:I do make adorable's on the shirt

Yang:I can't...what? I don't...?


Oh looks like Yang.exe has stopped working.

Dio:I knew you two would like them.

Wiess:keep them away from my belongings, I don't like little brats

Dio:their not brats their well behaved or Ginora is since I've only had Ginora for ten minutes and if anything were to happen to both of them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself, ok goodnight

We left.

Ginora:it's going to be fun here

Ginora:yeah way more fun than Mama's

I'm a good dad.

Dio Xaiolong Za Wardo is his (Rwby x Jojo)Where stories live. Discover now