a thanks

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I read the news paper.

Dio:oh shit Hellhounds doing a crossover


Dio:I'm in it! Yes! Let's see who else...Bondrewd, Seeker,Indo,Zed that's surprising. Haven,DZ,Shriek, Gojin and maybe Zero...risky he's new but he did wipe out an army on his own

Giorno:oh is Serpant in it?

Dio:no way he is way to overpowerd for this I mean seriously the guy can go toe to toe with God's so-

There was a knock at the door.

Dio:you two know the drill, it might be the mob

Giorno used Gold experience to punch a cut out hole in the roof and he and Ginora went up and closed the hatch. I answerd the door to find a brown haird women, stylishly dressed with glasses and a handbag. Good she's not the mob.

Dio:hello...who are-

Coco:my name is Coco Adel and I'm here on behalf of my teammate Velvet who you saved a couple days ago. I saw what you did to Cardin and I have to say...

She moved her sunglasses down and looked at me top to bottom.


Dio:not so bad yourself...so uh why did she send you and not come herself?

Coco:she's terrified of you

Dio:not surprising I am a terrifying individual

Coco:I bet...so thank you for helping her when I wasn't there

Dio:no problem so thanks for stopping by-

Coco:and as thanks I want to take you out...you seem like the type of guy that likes shopping

That's not untrue. She blushed lightly.

Dio:and what if I do?

Coco:then it's a date

Dio:deal tomorrow?

Coco:done, later

Dio:see ya

I closed the door and turned around to see Ginora and Giorno on there Stands shoulders looking at me smugly.


Ginora:is that our new Mama?

Giorno:if she is can we move out this room it smells

Dio:no,no,no not a new mama beside you already got a mum...wait what's your last name?



I realized.

Dio:oh shit I know who your Mother is...the daughter of the fucking Godfather

Dio Xaiolong Za Wardo is his (Rwby x Jojo)Where stories live. Discover now