food fight

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(Quick note I have decided not to make the main live interest Coco so you all can decide who it is...maybe the mysterious Mother of Ginora and Giorno?)


Nora was throwing Yang food from across the room. That won't end well. Ruby plopped a large binder on the table.

Dio:oh God Yang get the anti depressants I'll hold her down

Ruby:ahem siblings,niece, nephew, friends...Wiess


Ruby:4 score and seven minutes ago I had a dream.

Dio:never mind get body gaurds and watch the rooftops she's turning into Kennedy

Ruby:a dream that one day the seven of us would come together as team and family and have the most fun anyone has ever had ever!

Wiess:did you steal my binder?

Ruby:I am not a crook

Dio:doubtful especially when there's cookies involved

Ginora:like the time She stole them from the store

Giorno:yeah he has told us so many embarrassing stories

Ruby:look its been a good two weeks-

Dio:I had to fight the Mafia three days ago and killed all but one and that was the guy that didn't have a head up his ass

Yang got hit with an apple.

Ruby:as I was saying classes start up again tomorrow which is why I have taken the liberty to schedule some activities for us

Wiess:I don't know weather to be proud or terrified of what's in there

Dio:best assume both

Yang threw the apple back.

Blake:I don't know I might sit this one out

Wiess:sit out or not how ever we spend this day we should do it as a team

She stood up.

Wiess:I for one-

A pie came flying at her and the World appeard without ne summoning him and he punched the pie back at Nora.


Wiess:uh thanks Dio

Dio:thank him I did nothing

She looked at him.

Wiess:uh thanks...

He patted her and dissapeard.

Ginora:what the fuck was that!?

Nora threw another pie and I caught it.

Dio:ahem...FOOD FIGHT!



Nora:I'm Queen of the Castle, I'm Queen of the Castle!

How did she build this so fast?

Ruby:justice will be swift, justice will be sweet it will be delicious!


They charged in and I grabbed a few karots.

Dio:Gin do the thing

She touched on karot and I threw it at Nora when she caught it Ginora made it go boom.


Wiess was knocked out and Yang was punched into the upper atmosphere.


I cracked my neck. Phyrra sent cans fling at us. Rudy used her speed and sent them flying back with speed and I stopped time. I walked through the flying tables and food, I flew up to JNPR and pushed them all together and when time resumed, I flew them through the wall.

Dio:Ja matane!

We went through the wall and into the courtyard.

Dio:best last day...ever

Ginora and Giorno appeard above me.

Giorno:you good?


I got up.

Ginora:now what?

Dio:now we-

I saw Goodwitch and Ozpin.

Dio:Za Warudo!

I grabbed them and ran.

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