first day

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I was woke with a punch to the gut.

Dio:fuck! Yang what the-

It was my stand.

Dio:oh right I'm living on my own

I stood up and stretched. I looked around.

Dio:I'm so board

Got dressed in a school uniform and left. I saw my sisters bolt down the corridor.

Dio:oh right classes...oh shit classes! Za Wardo!

Time stopped and I ran passed the other teams.

Dio:suck it bitches!

Time started again and I made it too class then my sisters.

Ruby:how did you-never mind

Dio:I control the world

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Dio being board out is fucking mind.


Dio:fucking finally

Yang:he didn't even teach us anything

Rose:well now what?

Blake:we find Wiess?

Oh yeah that bitch walked out after she got humiliated.

Dio:do what you want...I am going to get dinner then bed then the hell that is my dreams goodbye

I walked away. I got somthing to eat and quickly left.

Dio:christ today was boaring, nothing happened

Writer:somethings about to

Dio:fuck off writer

I walked round the corner and saw a blonde haird girl standing next to my door. I fucking hate writer.

Writer:I know now get to it

I walked toward the girl and when she saw me her face lit up.

Dio:who the fuck are you?

Ginora:I'm Ginora your daughter

Dio:oh ok...your my fucking what?


There was a scilence.

Dio:uhhhhh...kay bye, Za Wardo!

I ran into my room and shut the door. I phoned yang.


Dio:Yang there's a girl outside my room and she says I'm her dad


Dio:just get here I'm not jumping out the window again, remember what happened last time



Yang:he found out!


I throw a chair at it and jamp out.

Yang:Dio are you-



Dio:hurt like shit

The door kept knocking.

Ginora:I know your in their dad! Open up mum said I have to live with you!

Dio:who's your mother!?

Ginora:some skank!


I opened the door.

Dio:okay if you are my daughter then tell me a somthing I would know?

Ginora:mum said you dressed in your mums cloths when you were five

Dio:ok you got me there but I still don't believe it

Rwby arrived.

Ruby:oh my God! She's so cute!

Yang:how do you have a kid?!

Dio:I don't fucking know!? Ginora I'm still not convinced prove to me your my child

Ginora:I want to be just like you the Worldu!

I face palmed.

Dio:idiot! It is Za Wardo! Told you not my kid my kid would know that

Blake:uh Dio

I looked down and Ginora was crying.


Dio:nevermind she's mine

I picked her up.

Yanh:wait Dio-

Dio:don't come near me or my child ever again...good day

I closed the door.

Wiess:what the fuck just happened!?

Dio Xaiolong Za Wardo is his (Rwby x Jojo)Where stories live. Discover now