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I burst out the ground.

Dio:son of a bitch!

I cralwed out and laid on my stomach.

Dio:when I God I'm killing every last one of these things...


I looked up and saw RWBY.

Dio:I just held off an army and saved the Kingdom can we please not do this right now?

Yang:you said-

The World's armies appeared punching the ground sending me back up.

Dio:Yang...I honestly have stopped caring today, I promise I will deal with this in the morning

I stopped time and started to fly away. When time resumed I was already almost out of Vale, I kept flying until I reached Beacon and I landed in the open window to my dorm. I felt a pain in my side, one of the Grimm must of scratched could I Dio be wounded by such an animal. Lucky. My body felt heavy and I fell on the floor.


I woke up to a thud, I looked and I saw Dio on the floor.

Sakuya:Dio? What happened?

Dio:(muffled) it wasn't fun...

I got out of bed and helped him with his wound then brought him in with me and the kids.

Sakuya:get some sleep now

I kissed his head.


I heard a knock at the door.

Yang:Dio open up!

Sakuya:GE,KQ, World

They appeared.

Sakuya:you know what to do

The World lifted up the spare bed and placed it against the wall, KQ closed the curtains and window and GE turned off the scrolls.

Sakuya:thanks guy


KQ:*thumbs up*

They dissapeard. I laid down with them. Now nothing can bother us.

(Hope yall enjoyed this relatively cute moment)

Dio Xaiolong Za Wardo is his (Rwby x Jojo)Where stories live. Discover now