The Storm

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"Please, Kai?" Lloyd clasped his hands together and begged.

"We've been through this, my answer isn't gonna change overnight," Kai explained again as he and Nya loaded the caravan with enough supplies for around a week's travel.

"Please!" Lloyd dragged out the word in a whine, flashing a wide-eyed innocent look when his big brother turned around.

"No." Kai smiled and gently petted Flame's mane. The stunning light brown colored stallion neighed. "Easy there, boy."

"Please!" Lloyd pleaded to flash his infamous pout that had even Flame whining.

"Lloyd, I grew up with you; that doesn't work on me anymore." He said calmly, causing his little jaw to hit the floor. Even Nya couldn't resist him when he pulled his stunning emerald eyes into a cute, pleading look.

"Ah, why not!" He pouted.

"Someone needs to stay and watch the shop, and since Nya's the one entering the fair's contest, she's out of the question, you're too young to do it, so that leaves me." He explained smiling at Lloyd's cuteness.

"Or... or a third option, all three of us got and we can close the shop for a week." He suggested, hoping for some kind of an excuse.

"You know we can't leave the shop unattended that long, we already have at least five orders, and besides, I don't mind staying home."

"It's not fair."

"And here I thought I'd get to finally spend some time with my baby brother." Nya playfully whined mocking innocence, causing both of her brothers to snort in laughter.

"I still don't see why we can't just close the shop for a week." The youngest Smith pouted and crossed his arms.

"Because, even if Nya's newest creation wins the contest, we're still going to need some money for and after we move; unless, of course, you plan on starving, green bean," Kai explained, smiling and stroking Flame's sleek, brown nose, affectionately.

"He's not going to give in, so come here and help me back," Nya told Lloyd. Groaning in defeat, he pushed himself off the side of the caravan and helped Nya load the supplies. Flame playfully rubbed his nose against Kai's neck and snorted in his hair and made the brunette laugh.

"You take good care of my little siblings, okay Flame?" Kai instructed as he turned around and nuzzled the stunning stallion. "And make sure Nya doesn't get lost again, you know how bad she is with directions." He teased.

"Hey!" Nya growled. Flame neighed in approval. "Even the damn horse is against me." She growled. Lloyd burst out laughing until she heaved him by his underarms and sat him on the driver's seat. "That's everything." She said, dusting off her hands. "We packed enough food, supplies, and medicine for at least a week, but we should be back in a couple of days; do you need anything from the fair Kai?"

"No, I'll be fine; the only thing I need to worry about is Morro and if all else fails Dr. Saunders is right down the road." He smiled. Nya smiled at her twin before climbing onto the caravan and grabbing Flame's reigns.

"We'll be back in a week." She promised.

"Bye Kai!" Lloyd exclaimed as he wormed his way to the front and waved.

"Don't get into trouble while we're gone!" Nya teased.

"I won't; good luck at the fair!" He called and waved goodbye watching Flame and the caravan trot off before disappearing down the road. "And don't get lost this time!" He shouted in a final attempt of teasing.

"Shut up!" Nya hollered, just before the caravan disappeared. That didn't stop her and Lloyd from hearing Kai's laughter echoing after them...


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