The Frosty Rescue

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"This is the best day ever!" Nelson cheered as they all skated around the frozen lake. Everyone was still skating around, except Echo, who was sitting on the bank with Kai's horse Flame. Kai couldn't help but agree with the cub, really enjoying himself for the first time in years. As much as Kai loved his siblings, they were too busy trying to make ends meet to have fun, with the odd exceptions of Lloyd. Their little brother was the only light Kai and Nya had in their lives.

The brunette hoped his siblings were alright without him.

Despite things getting better between him and Cole, Kai still felt trapped within the castle, so it was nice to get out and do something, even if it was just some ice-skating. As they skated around, Echo looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds rolling in. He frowned at this. He had thought it would be clear skies all day, so where had those clouds come from?

"We'd better hurry back, it's starting to get stormy." He called for the others. All four of them groaned in disappointment, but complied and started skating over to Echo and Flame. Kai mounted his faithful horse and the others started to follow, and just as Kai was about the ride Flame home, the stallion suddenly froze. They looked past Flame's head and saw a small creature standing in the snow a few feet away from them. It appeared to be a type of bird.

It had two small wings and four small, clawed legs, with a long tail.

It had two eyes that sat lightly in its sockets with a thin, sharp beak. Its skin was thin but strong and it was covered in short, thin feathers. Its feather colors were mostly dark purple and black. It didn't look at all intimidating, being only the size of a tennis ball, but something about it set the others on the edge.

"What is that?" Ronin asked, and that set the creature off. It suddenly let out the loudest, banshee-like scream Kai had ever heard. The sound was so loud it hurt their ears. The sound scared Flame and he ran in the opposite direction towards the frozen lake. With the speed, he was running at Flame slipped and this caused him to break the ice, exposing the icy waters below. Kai and the others started to scream as Flame started to try and buck them off him, sending Nelson flying into the air.

He went flying into the water and sank into the darkness.

"Where is he?!" Jay cried as they jumped off the still scared Flame and started desperately looking for the child.

"HHHEEELLLPPP MMMEEE!" Nelson garbled as his head vanished again. Kai saw this and, acting solely on instinct, jumped into the freezing lake after him. Thankfully Nelson was close to the surface so Kai could grab his arms. Unfortunately, there was a strong current pulling them away from the hole in the ice, and that combined with Nelson's added weight and lack of oxygen meant Kai couldn't swim them to safety. The others saw this and they sprang into action.

"Hold on, guys! We will save you!" Jay cried and they started scanning the ice for the pair. Echo soon found Kai under the ice, banging his hand up against it while his other hand gripped Nelson and his feet kicked furiously under them to keep them afloat. As soon as Jay saw them underneath the ice and called for the other. Ronin rushed over to Jay, pulling out his dagger, and stabbed at the ice, freeing Kai and Nelson. They both emerged from underneath the ice, coughing up the water from their lungs and shivering as the cold air froze their sore limbs.

When he regained some strength, Kai fully pulled Nelson out of the water and onto the ice with the others, but he stayed in the water until he caught his breath.

"Oh, Nelson, thank God you're safe." Echo smiled in relief as he checked the child over for any injuries.

"I wasn't frightened." Nelson grinned and they all rolled their eyes. The moment of relief was shattered, however, what the little bird from before suddenly shot up into the air and stared down at the group. Kai felt like he had seen those cold, soulless eyes before. He gasped when he realized those were the eyes of that creepy man Kai had met in the forest where Cole saved him from that monster. Before he could tell the others, the bird dove into the water next to Kai and disappeared into the darkness.

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