The Fire Within

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Flame didn't stop running until exhaustion finally caught up with his body and his legs almost gave away beneath him. His lungs exploded from lack of air and his breathing was in heavy pants. His heart thundered against his ribs, causing pains in his chest as he tried desperately to breathe. Ever since Kai had gotten him from the castle stable, he had made the stallion thunder into the forest. He wanted them both to get as far away from the castle as they could.

Finally, Kai jumped off his horse's back and leaned against a tree, and collapsed.

Once Kai had calmed down enough, his situation and what his actions had caused came flooding back to him. His eyes bulged and his breath hitched as the memory hit him with the force of a tidal wave. His hands wove into his hair and yanked the tresses as he buried his face in his knees. How could he have been so stupid? He growled in frustration and punched the ground next to him. Sighing in defeat, he forced himself to his feet and braced against a tree until his body had recovered enough for him to walk and started back towards the castle.

The direction he was headed confused him.

He knew he should be terrified. He knew he should be looking for a way back to town, back home to his siblings, instead of prison and a possible death sentence. But oddly, he didn't feel like he was returning to that prison or an apology, just the opposite. He mentally kicked himself and pounded his skull with his fists for letting his curiosity get the better of him. Had he learned nothing from all of the times he had been grounded or punished for sneaking off and getting into things he shouldn't?

All the servants had told him straight out what was in the West Wing and that Cole didn't like anyone in his private chamber.

Of course, the Dragon Lord would be furious at him for invading his privacy like that! If their roles were reversed and Cole had entered his room when he wasn't there, he'd have been pretty pissed too. Nya had given him a black eye once for sneaking into her room and going through her stuff once. He also dropped the candle, obviously something of great importance to the Dragon Lord. Kai buried his face in his hands and tried to stop himself from crying.

He couldn't control his pride and childish curiosity and it had screwed everything up.

Cole's chilling words echoed in his mind once again. He knew there was no way he was getting off with just a smack on the wrist this time. Cole would not hurt him, but Kai would no doubt be locked in the tower for this, or at the very least he'd get a slap. He took a breath and sighed as a harsh gust of wind suddenly chilled him right to the bone, reminding him where he was. He looked down at his attire. These were not the best clothing for the approaching winter.

But that was the least of his problems.

He sighed and started down the path towards the castle. He made a severe mistake so he was going to do this with dignity and accept his punishment like a man, and, if he had to, he would beg Cole's forgiveness. Kai was not letting this end before it even had a chance to start.

"My, my, how very noble of you." Something suddenly hissed. Kai froze in mid-step. He swore he'd felt his heart stop beating at the sound of a stranger's voice. It sounded cultured and refined, but too cruel to be considered polite.

"Who's there?" Kai demanded as he whirled around, meeting only with the wind. A sudden dread chilled him to the bone followed by a low chuckle, rich with amusement. Kai bolted around again, and this time, someone emerged from the darkness of the forest. Red robes draped the figure from head to toe, making his face all but invisible. His eyes were hidden beneath his hood but wisps of grey hair peeked out from beneath it.

There was something vaguely familiar about this man, but what, Kai couldn't tell.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He demanded again with more bravado. The figure swooped as if to vanish, only to reappear in front of him and shove him hard against a tree, knocking the wind from his lungs. Kai thrashed but the figure grabbed his wrists and pinned them at his sides.

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