Brotherly Advice

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Cole had to face it eventually, making out with someone was not the worst thing the staff had caught him doing, but that didn't make him or Kai feel any better. Harumi had already left with little Nelson, trying to salvage the boy's remaining innocence while they still had a chance. When their friends found Kai and Cole who were both in an awkward position on the bed it didn't take them long to figure out what had happened. Cole was growling like a caged beast.

Jay, Echo, Tox, and Ronin all looked at the floor or off into space, unable to look anyone in the face without blushing.

Kai buried his mortified face in his hands, refusing to even meet anyone's gaze. After the incident, Kai had practically kicked everyone out of his room, grabbed the clothes they had bought him, and locked himself in the bathroom. Though he could still feel the chill of his recent illness, Kai felt an instant relief being fully clothed. If he had simply been naked when everyone arrived he wouldn't have worried. But being caught with his captor, the very Master of the Castle no less, in such a compromising position that shattered the youth's entire demeanor.

Though he might be naïve in matters of seduction, he didn't deny that he had enjoyed his time with Cole before they had been interrupted.

Now Kai just wanted to curl up and hide until he forgot this was over. Despite the thick sweater, warm overcoat, pants, gloves, and socks, Kai felt naked and exposed in front of everyone's awkward eyes. Unable to take anymore, he stood on wobbly legs and headed back to bed. He almost groaned when he saw everyone was still here. He wanted to hide in the library until everyone forgot about this. He wouldn't delude himself into thinking there was any chance the whole castle wouldn't know about this soon if they didn't already know.

All of a sudden, Neuro interrupted his inner whining.

The tengu scooped up the abandoned teapot, poured a dark green liquid into a cup, and shoved it into Kai's hands. Shade fixed this for the teen and he told Neuro to make sure Kai drank the whole pot while it was still hot because he wasn't brewing him another one. Neuro warned him of this and Kai opened his mouth to protest but after a hard look from Cole, he sipped the hot tea. Heat immediately filled his being but he grimaced and stiffened at the strange combination of bitter, mint, and sweetness crafting an unpleasant blend.

He gasped after swallowing a large gulp and shuddered.

When he asked what was in it, Neuro said it was just something that should knock that chill right out of his system. He suggested that Kai had a better drink all of it or he would break Shade's heart. Kai sank into the pillows and downed the cup quickly. His mouth and throat burned from the hot liquid and he felt heat suddenly flood into his system but the bland taste in his mouth made him feel sick. It tasted awful. But most things that were good for you were awful, like staying in bed and getting plenty of sleep, so Kai swallowed his pride and the tea.

Cole could help but lightly tease the brunette about this.

Kai glared and opened his mouth to protest but was instantly silenced when Cole tilted his chin and kissed his cheek. Kai forgot to breathe. For a moment, he forgot everyone else was there. Cole stepped away and fished the comforter off the floor and draped it over Kai's body that was now propped against the pillows. He then took a thicker fur blanket Harumi had left out from the previous night and added that as well until his flame was safely tucked beneath the warmth.

"I'll be checking on you soon, so don't even think of getting up." He warned, kissing Kai's forehead and ushered his staff out the door. Neuro smirked and he too left to return to the kitchen. Once gone, Cole handed Kai a second teacup. "Make sure you drink that as well, I don't want you dehydrating either; I'll ask someone to fix you something but I have no doubt the whole house will know you're awake by the time I get downstairs." He chuckled.

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