The Room

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Kai's defiant gaze and wails of despair echoed in Cole's mind even as he followed Skylor and Chamille out towards the courtyard, to make sure the two guards returned both of Kai's siblings home safely. Both of them begged and pleaded for their brother's return, even offering the same deal, but Cole refused them. The smaller one could barely speak as his coughing fit returned with force. Skylor and Chamille secured Nya and Lloyd and took off to the forest.

Knowing his servant's speeds, Cole assumed the two humans would be home in a manner of minutes, and plenty of time to make sure the smallest boy got his medication.

Sighing, Cole turned on his heels and returned to the manor. He couldn't help but feel the pain of guilt wash over him as he heard his prisoner's wails, but he brushed it off. The brunette will just have to get used to it. He concluded that as he stormed back up the spiraling staircase to the tower.

"Um... Master?" A timid voice said, causing him to pause.

"What, Jay?" He snarled, turning to the blue fox.

"Well, uh, we were just wondering which one of the guest rooms we should be preparing for Kai, you know?" He gulped as he tried to steady his voice. Cole had never harmed or hurt any of his servants and didn't ever plan to, but the lord's presence and commanding authority made it difficult to not feel nervous in his presence.

"And why would you all be wondering that?"

"Well, we just figured since Kai is going to be staying with us for some time, that maybe he would be more comfortable staying in a proper room." Nelson timidly explained. Cole snarled, causing Jay to squeak, and took a step back.

"Or not."

"Cole!" Someone snapped and Cole turned to meet a scowling young yeti. Even though he was slightly shorter than Cole, Zane still stood tall, but it was the way Zane said Cole's true name, that even he sometimes forgot in the depths of his mind, that herald his attention. "I certainly hope you don't plan on leaving that poor boy locked up and freezing to death in that tower all night?" Zane scolded, making no effort to hide the disdain in his voice. The two stared each other down for a moment before Cole grunted and looked away.

"Fine, go get the others and set it up, now." He ordered and watched the servents move. "Nothing too over the top, he won't like that," Cole ordered, turning back towards the tower and ignoring all the baffled glances his servants were sending him. "He's not some helpless docile kid who'll just accept his fate and be happy with a pretty room." He explained without stopping or looking behind him before he vanished up the tower steps.

"That was a very clever but a very risky move, Nelson." Zane half scolded when the Master was out of hearing range.

"I know, but the Master is always so stubborn because he's lonely, who knows, maybe spending time with Kai will be good for him?" The werebear boy smiled, optimistically...


The iron door slammed open with a loud clang when Cole shoved it. His dragon eyes scanned the tower dungeon for his captive. He found him right where he left him, collapsed in front of the windowsill, still crying. Cole felt his heartstrings wrench at the sight of the strong-willed youth looking so broken, but shook it away. No sooner has the teen realized his presence did he look up. Wild amber eyes blazed with anger and sorrow; visible tears mark on his cheeks.

Kai wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and gripped the windowsill before pulling himself into a standing position.

Then, without warning, he dashed forward and with one swift motion punched Cole in the face. The dragon hybrid's head snapped to one side with a force that almost knocked him over.

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