The Candle

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When Kai made his way back, he froze in front of the staircase, gazing up the spiraling black stairs and the veils of shadows consuming it. He took a hesitant first step and then another until he broke into a run, refusing to look back. He refused to stop, even as the staircase spiraled and the darkness, if possible, grew darker. When he reached the top, a long corridor, illuminated only by the faint moonlight, greeted him. He hesitated as he took in the dark hallway.

The design was similar to the hallways that led to the east wing, except one wall was made of clear windows and the other looked like a balcony overlooking the ballroom.

The corridor's windows were not stained glass. Instead, they were covered by tattered curtains that must have once been red or blue at some point. Time, age, and dust had darkened the curtains to black and brown. In addition, unlike the vine-like wood carving in the rest of the manor, the pillars and railings of this balcony were made of metal. There were flowing, intricate swirls in heart-shaped interlocking patterns. The pillars were carved in the shape of many wingless dragons, connected by their tails and noses.

The dust had caked the floors and glass, creating a heavy fog over the windows.

Shadows danced everywhere, making it too dark to even see where the corridor went. Despite that, Kai pressed onward, determined not to let anything hinder his resolve. After what felt like an eternity, he finally approached an enormous door crafted from white birch with the engraving of a stunning dragon. Tiny dark grey crystals were embedded into the wood, forming scales, glowing emeralds made the eyes, and smoothed onyx formed the claws.

The carving looked so real that Kai had to bite back a scream.

Brushing aside the fear he felt entering the Dragon Lord's quarters uninvited, Kai grabbed the large door knockers and pushed the heavy doors open. He cursed his small stature when they didn't budge. He tried again and managed to push the door open a small crack. Once it was large enough for him to fit through, he slid his slim form through the door and jumped when the door shut behind him. He turned to scan the room and his eyes widened as he was overcome by a sense of déjà vu.

Shredded tapestries hung everywhere.

Broken furniture pieces were scattered all across the dark blue carpet. Sheets, greying from age, covered the table and chairs in the corner. Another covered an enormous wardrobe sat in the corner. The only thing that looked in prime shape was the enormous canopy bed in the corner and a blank sheet of silk hanging on the wall. Unlike the rest of the room, it was clean silver and formed a veil covering what looked like a large indent in the wall.

Curiosity getting the better of him, the teen crept through the room with the stealth of a ninja.

His steps were graceful and careful, avoiding each piece of broken furniture or anything that would make a noise. When he came to the curtain, he leaned against the wall and carefully lifted the sheet to peek inside. A glass case brushed against his fingertips, further engaging his curiosity. With a harsh pull, he pulled down the rest of the silk, kicking up clouds of dust. He covered his mouth and choked on the thick particles until they finally settled. His eyes bulged at the sight of the cloth's secret.

An enormous, stunning painting.

It was about as tall as Kai and the image so realistic that Kai swore he was looking at a colored photograph. The pine border and the glass case shielded the ancient object from the air, moisture, and anything else that would try to damage it. Stunned by the fine craftsmanship, Kai's fingers gently graced the surface of the glass, hoping to touch the object. The setting greatly resembled a throne room of some sort. Two cerulean curtains framed them and, in the background, stood a tall, lean middle-aged man with neat black hair and grey eyes.

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