Pure Passion

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Kai felt his blood run cold. Unsure whether to feel upset or grateful, he, instead, felt baffled and numb. Like he had been told everything he knew about himself was a lie and there was a huge pit in his stomach, he couldn't fathom how it got there. He didn't understand. Cole gave him a small smile but his eyes were sad.

"I'm releasing you, you are no longer my prisoner, nor do you have to stay here if you choose not to." He repeated and the words made Kai's heart sink.

"I don't understand; you just told me how happy I make you, and then you turn right around and say I don't have to live here anymore?" He asked as he looked at the ground with wide eyes, uncertain what to say or what to think. "What are you saying, Cole? Do you want me to leave?"

"What? No!" Cole cried as he shot up, instantly concerned.

"Then explain it to me, Cole!" Kai demanded, his hands shook at his sides, and his gaze fixated on the ground.

"I don't want you to stay in this castle against your will!" Cole said louder than he intended, causing Kai to shoot up, immediately confused. Panic flooded Cole at Kai's stare. Quickly, he opened his mouth to speak but only choked gasps escaped. His heart race picked up when he saw Kai's gaze return to the ground, his spikey bangs darkening his grim face.

"I never felt like a prisoner, Cole," Kai said, softly. "Maybe at first I did, but I can't remember when I stopped feeling like that." He reluctantly admitted, and before Cole could say a word, Kai leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "This has been the happiest time of my life, as well." He said as he pulled away with a small, sad smile. When Kai turned to leave, Cole, acting on instinct, grabbed Kai's hand gently, and forced words out of his strangled throat.

"Kai, please!" He begged, even though Kai still wouldn't turn around. "I know you're not a prisoner! I haven't thought of you like that for a long time, but as I said the fact remains, and if you stayed here and things continued as they are, I would still feel like I'm keeping you here, or that you're only here because you're obligated to, and I don't want that; I don't want you to stay because you have to or because I want you too, but because you want to!" He explained, a hint of desperation in his voice.

Cole suddenly froze when Kai went rigid and shot up, but he still refused to turn around.

His heart sank when he felt Kai's hand slip away from his.

"What?" Kai asked with shaky hands. He didn't move in case his ears were playing tricks on him. He couldn't let his pounding heart override his rationality, no matter how much he wanted it to. Cole's eyes bulged when he realized what it was Kai meant. He mentally kicked himself for his idiotic babbling. This wasn't how he planned it, but then again by now he should have figured things in life hardly ever went as he planned. Regaining his focus, Cole straightened his posture, took a breath in an attempt to ease his rapid heart, and straightened his arms with his hands at his sides.

Regardless of the situation, he wanted to ask Kai, and he was going to, now or never.

He opened his mouth to speak but found himself stuttering. He cleared his throat and turned his gaze to the ground, not wanting to see Kai's face if he was rejected.

"Kai... will you stay with me?" He asked in a whisper, but Kai still heard it and the brunette was certain he felt his heart temporarily stop.

"Will you stay here with me, with everyone, at this castle, not as a captive or a prisoner, or as a servant or even a companion or guest, but because you want to stay here?" Cole stuttered unable to control the words pouring through his shaking lips. Kai still didn't turn around, but that was enough to freeze Cole's tongue. Kai soon looked up trying to keep his voice steady.

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