The Art Of The Dress

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Harumi groaned as she agonized over the drafts of dresses on the table in front of her in her little workshop. The sun was starting to set and she had been tasked with crafting new outfits for the ball for Cole, Kai, and a few other staff members. With Cole and that staff, Harumi wasn't too worried. She knew those people for years so she knew their styles and what they liked. But with Kai, it was a different story. She had only known him for a few months.

She hadn't had the time to discuss Kai's choice of clothes so she was going in blind.

But Harumi wasn't too worried about that. She had always loved a challenge. If there was one thing Harumi hated it was people saying that dressmaking was easy. People assumed that all you had to do was sow some pieces of fabric together and say that you have made an outfit. It irritated the harpy to no end. Harumi had spent years practicing her craft and she had become arguably one of the best seamstresses in the kingdom. She had been doing this for so long that she could almost create a stunning outfit blindfolded.

First, she had to go thread by thread and stitch it all together.

When it came to making Kai's dress, she had to cut out the pattern snip by snip and make sure the fabric folded nicely. It was the perfect color and so hip. But Harumi also had to always keep her pacing in mind and to always make sure the clothes' were correctly facing when she was stitching the dress. She would go yard by yard and kept fussing about the details. The harpy had to make sure that she made the brunette something perfect to inspire, even though she got the feeling that Kai hated formal attire, so she had to mind those intimate details.

Dressmaking was easy if you knew what you were doing.

She considered making something pink to tease Kai but quickly dismissed it. Then she considered something breezy, but with the cold weather, she decided against that. Whatever she made, Harumi knew she had to blend color and form and not make it look too cheesy. As she poured over her many ideas, Harumi thought about making something brash and fetching. Even though it would ride high Kai wouldn't look like a tank. Now that Harumi had a general idea of what the outfit would look like, she had to focus on the other details and stitch it all together.

The deadline was looming and even if her fabric choice was perfect she had to get them all done by tonight.

As the hours ticked by and she kept adding changes, Harumi started sewing them together. Harumi didn't want to admit it, but this assignment was causing her great pains. It was putting her in a bind and she was worried that there wasn't much time. She had to pick up the pace yet still hold onto her vision for this outfit. Back with her clients before the curse, Harumi had quickly learned that all they ever wanted was indecision and they liked what they knew.

She had to learn how to balance style with adherence and make sure that she and the client made a good appearance.

When she first started dressmaking, she had to overcome intimidation and remember that it was all in the presentation. All of sudden, the clock above her chimed, signaling that her time was up. Harumi wasn't worried, however. She had already finished making the new outfits, including Kai's. She could only hope that they all loved it...

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