"W-would you like a lap dance?"

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"You're favorite star in the galaxy, who is surely gonna give you that gravitational pull. Next up, is Uravity!" A girl in a pink outfit, and a matching head piece walked out onto the stage. She gave seductive looks to the men and women at the bottom. She would bend over and let them put money into her tights. She climbed onto the pole and started her dance. Shinso walked straight towards the bar. 

He just left a meeting with Aizawa and co-workers. His neck was strained and his feet were sore. He needed a drink, and fast. He asked the pink skinned girl for a drink, and she gave a perky "right away" before swaying her hips to get the drink. She soon came back with the drink in her hand, and sat it down on a napkin and slid it towards him. Shinso grabbed it and chugged it. "My names Acid Queen, but you can call me Mina!" Shinso looked up with his tired eyes and gave a nod. He tapped his glass, silently asking for another. Mina nodded back and got him some more. She gave him his cup, then put her head in her hands and smiled at Shinso. "Sooo, who's your favorite? Is it Uravity? Or do you swing the other way? Maybe you like chargebolt?" He looked up at her and shook his head. "neither? Hmm.. I'm usually good at these things.." She kept guessing, and he kept signaling for refills. When will she get i'm not here for strippers? This is the closest bar to my house.. 

He was getting ready to pay his tab before Mina started jumping excitedly. He looked up at her and she grabbed his hands. "Deku is up next! He's so good! Stay a bit longer and watch him!" Shinso sighed, but agreed. He turned around in his stool and Mina started giving him a shoulder rub. "And next up is your favorite bunny boy.. Deku!" Mina squealed as she saw a leg poke from around the curtains. Shinso's face lit up with fire. He sat up in his stool and licked his lips. A short, curvy boy with green hair walked onto the stage in a bunny suit. A pent grew in his pants. 

Mina gasped and hugged him from behind. "I knew you'd love him! Look at your expression!! Good news for you.. Don't tell anyone.. But he's giving a lap dance to a person in the crowd. I'll make sure he picks you!" Before Shinso could tell her no, she was already running towards the dressing room where Deku would be after his act. Shinso got up and walked towards the stage. He watched as the small boy spun around the pole and laid against the floor. He was in awe. He wasn't too keen on strippers, but this one was different. He grew with jealousy as the other men whistled and called him names like he was theirs. Deku was hanging upside down, with his legs wrapped tightly around the pole. He and Shinso locked eyes. Shinso felt like they were staring at each other for hours. Shinso smirked and threw a quick wink at him. Deku's cheeks were covered in pink, and he quickly picked himself up. He continued his routine occasionally flashing quick peeks at Shinso. 

His time sadly came to an end, and Deku walked back behind the curtain. Deku gave everyone a quick wave and blew a kiss. But before Shinso could walk away, Mina pulled onto his arm. She smiled at the person on stage with the microphone. "So party people. Today we have a little treat for you! Our bunny, Deku is giving one of you lucky people a lap dance! So get ready, because he's already picked! One of our workers will come up to you personally and bring you to the back!" The black hair man walked back off stage and Mina pulled him to a room. "W-wait Mina. You didn't actually get me that dance, did you?" She smirked at him. 

"Of course I did! What do you take me for?"

Shinso groaned loudly and he kept being dragged down a long hallway. He heard loud moans and giggles in almost each door they passed.

"Mina.. What kind of room are you taking me to?" 

"Oh don't worry silly. Those are the platinum rooms. You're going into a regular one."

Finally, they made it into a room. He saw a couch, a pole, and a small stool. The room was a nude color, but the red lights made it have a sexual vibe. Mina pushed him onto the couch and patted his shoulders. "Deku will be in here soon! Just give him 5 minutes. He's a little nervous! It's his first lap dance, So be nice!" Shinso nodded at Mina, as she walked out of the room. Shinso waited patiently. He loosened his tie and his shoes a bit. Just as he was going to look around the room, a quiet knock sounded at the door. "Come in.." Shinso cleared his throat, and dusted his pants. A deep breath as the door opened. 

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