『 12 』

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Date created: 03/01/21
Date finished: 03/05/21
Author's notes: It seems like I'm on this book now. I planned to switch around between books to keep all the continuing ones updated. But I've gotten back into Granblue. I'll try my best to keep updating my schedule.
Warnings: Surprising none 👀


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『 12 』

Astria felt as if she could die. It hasn't been but an hour since she aaa reunited with Gran and Vryn, Belial of course with her now, and she is close to deeply referring even coming up with a plan for Belial to...be "good" Since they have joined the captain and his pal in retrieving supplies for the ship, Belial has nonstop harassed them all, nothing but placing his hands on her whether he had the chance.

From her to even random strangers, they passed. No one was safe from his flirtatious mouth. But at least he was sticking to his promising of not harming no one...at least physically. Astria never remembered him being this bad. Well, she still doesn't have her memories back but relying on Belial's alone.

Astria rubbed her temples as she and Belial waited outside for Gran and Vryn to return from the shop. Belial was standing beside her, keeping his attention on the sea of travelers that passed by until he decided to take a glance down at the girl beside him.

She was in her own little world until she was so rudely brought back when a sharpened nail gently poked her cheek. Turning her head, she saw Belial retracting his hand away, a lazy grin spreading on his lips as he wrapped an arm loosely around her shoulders. Pulling her body flushed against his side.

"Why the long face, princess?" He asked, knowing good and damn well what was the matter.

She flashes him a frown, her eye twitching with annoyance. "You know what's wrong, you big baboon."

Belial was silent for a mere whole 5 seconds before he suddenly burst out laughing from her weak insult. Releasing her shoulder so he could clench to his stomach. She didn't find the matter this hilarious. But this was Belial they were talking...the being was a strange one indeed.

"I see you are getting feistier by the day! What a big girl your becoming~" He cooed, stepping closer to her as he places his hands on her cheeks, making her look up at him. For a split second, his features looked saddened? But of course, it only lasted for that one second before returning to his original smug expression.

"I almost miss those days where you were so shy~ not mean bone in your body."

"Well, those were days when I was blinded and dumbed down by my creator from your memories," she nearly hissed. She didn't mean for it to sound so mean. But she couldn't stand the thought. She was weak and stupid in her younger days...two thousand years ago. She still couldn't believe it has been that long.

Belial's lips tugged into a thin line at her words. His eyes flashing something dangerous... His palms slightly squeezing the flesh of her cheeks as he brought his face closer to hers. His eyes narrowed at hers. "Don't say such things, princess." He said lowly, oh, she struck a chord in him...he really cares for that monster that much?

"Or what?" She dared to challenge, narrowing her eyes right back at his. Oh, she may have crossed the line. His bloody irises darkened at her challenge. A cruel smirk forming on his lips. His mouth opened as he went to say something.

What Makes The Sky Blue? (Belial x Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora