『 3 』

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Date created: 1/08/20
Date finished: 01/09/20
Author's notes: This chapter is in Astria's pov, but again will be mostly about the events going on then about herself. Also, this chapter will be shorter-
Warnings: None.

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『 3: ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴀᴀɴ 』

Michael's heroic efforts allowed the town a brief respite on the day following the Reconstruction Anniversary. However, plans to investigate Canaan are at an impasse. Since yesterday Rackam spends an all-nighter drafting blueprints for airship upgrades. Anything that would help get us to the Celestial Strait. 

"Crud, this is hopeless... No matter how you slice it, there's just not enough propulsion to make it work... Forcing our way through with sheer speed is just asking for trouble...And we lack the buoyancy to take it slow and steady. Blegh! We don't have enough time, resources or ideas!" Rackam tossed his pencil down and placed his face in his hands. There was so much work to do and so little time to complete the necessary tasks.

Vyrn ears drooped down in worry as he flew into his quarters, Astria following behind as she was carrying a small plate and a mug. "You doing okay Rackam? Here, I brought you a rice ball; Lyria made it" Vryn said as he moved out of the way. 

"Sandalphon made you coffee as well, a special blend to help keep you energized he said" With a soft smile, she placed the mug of coffee and the plate of riceballs nice to the blueprints. Where they wouldn't spill onto them.

He seemed a bit shocked but then offered us a small smile. "Astria, Vryn... Thanks" he mumbled softly, brushing a hand through his hair. He seemed a bit calmer now as he picked up a rice ball and took a bite.

Vryn flew over to the opposite side of the desk and plopped onto its corner, looking at the many blueprints that were scattered all over the desk. "Looks like the path through the Celestial Strait isn't a straight one huh?".

Rackam only chuckled lowly, shaking his head. "Like I was saying yesterday, Canaan is widely considered to be an unreachable place. The Celestial Strait that leads there is at such a low altitude that buoyancy barely operates. The air turbulence inside defies all logic. The shearing winds and falling boulders hit like a comet and one tiny misstep steering the ship could send us plummeting to the depths of the sky. There's also the space-time distortion" he explained deeply.

"We gotta worry about space-time too? Sounds a heckuva lot more dangerous than Grim Basin..." Vryn mumbled, a small pout forming on his scaly lips.

Astria didn't speak at all, she was too far into her own thoughts, staring down at the blueprints. There must be a way to Canaan...How could Lucifer get there?

"I'm not sure how much is fact and how much is fiction. But no skyfarer that's taken on the challenge has never returned"

'Maybe that's because Canaan isn't for people...only primals or even the Supreme primarch himself'

"Doesn't sound like a very Celestial experience" Vyrn puffed out, his ears dropping even more than before.

"Yeah...I don't know if it was gallows humor or a warning about what awaits you on the other side... Either way, the name stuck. It became a symbol of how ironically crippling the pursuit of freedom can be" Rackam said, taking slow sips of the coffee Sandalphon made him. 

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