『 2 』

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Date created: 1/06/20
Date finished: 01/07/20
Author's notes:  This chapter is in Astria's pov, but more about all the events happening then herself.
Warnings: None.

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『 2: ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴠs ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇss 』

Everything grew dark... The skies were pitch black. The ground and even the air was trembling. The sounds of glass and stone crackling shot through the air. Everything was turning for the worse.

"Why is the sky so black??" Lyria asked, a look of clear confusion as she looked around. It was just sunny a mere few seconds ago...

"Just a passing shower maybe? Except I don't see any clouds..." Siero said she was just as confused. Looking up to the skies. She was right. Not a cloud in the sky. But it was black?.

"And that doesn't explain the tremors..." Astria mumbled, Sandalphon held her close to his side. He knew that she was frightened, today was supposed to be a good day. What made matters worse was the fact that suddenly multiple shadows shimmered into view overhead. Causing the crew and even the town folk to look into the sky.

A large dragon-like beast who's element was light was roaring loudly overhead. In the direction where there was another beast... Some kind of skeleton monster. One of the opposite element was growling back. A challenge perhaps?. Her eyes widened at the sight of the two, they were so huge and their power auras were off the charts.

"Primal beasts!" Lyria exclaimed, covering her mouth in shock.

'Primal beasts?  why are they here? Why are they fighting?'

"They're fighting each other? What's the world coming to?" Vyrn mumbled, floating in the air close to Gran and Katalina. 

The very air shook as the beasts clashed together. Ripping and tearing at one another. The unprecedented phenomenon rages on. The shock of it all spreads across town, people, as well as the animals, panicked.

"Yikes! We'd better run better we get caught up in that mess!" a random tourist screamed out as the beasts clashed again.

"W-we need to evacuate! To the airships!" another shouted, motioning the nearby people to the direction of th ships. 

But before anyone could move, the guard captain, as well as a couple of other guards, had clapped their metal gloves together. Gathering the attention of the crew and town people. "Hold on! Moving anywhere right now is very dangerous! Reports have been coming in of abnormalities in the open fields!" he explained.

A girl dressed as a wizard huffed as she crossed her arms. "So you expect us to just wait it out? I've already seen one cataclysm too many in my lifetime!" she snapped, earning a few agreeable yells from the crowd. 

Sadly all of the townspeople agreed with the magician. Gran and the captain tried their best to explain and calm the people. But it also seems that some of the crew members were losing their 'cool' as well.

"Holy skycrabs! are we screwed!?" Vryn exclaimed, throwing his arms up as he flew in circles. 

"Lyria, do you know anything about this?" Sandalphon asked, keeping an eye on the surrounding area, being sure to keep me close to him. Astria held onto his armored back, things were getting dangerous... They all looked over at Lyria for an answer.

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