『 5 』

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Date created: 01/11/20
Date finished: 01/12/20
Author's notes: This will be mostly Astria's pov, but will possibly switch over to Belial's and Sandalphon's. Also, the fighting scene will succckkk. Admin has never been a good writer of fighting topics. 
Warnings: This chapter will contain small amounts of mature content such as touchy touch scenes and blood. 


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『 5: ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴇs ᴘᴛ2 』

"I see what you did here Sandy... I'm serious now" 

Belial's frown only deepened as he spoke those words. Astria was confused at what the fallen angel meant. But whatever the meaning was... Had seemed to trigger Sandalphon even more than his presence. 

"Shut up you lowly beast!" Sandalphon screamed as he charged to the other primal, slashing his sword to the dark primal's waist. A spot that would provide a great advantage if hit... if Belial wasn't so quick. 

Sadly to Sandalphon's disadvantage, Belial was very quick and balanced. He was a good fighter, quite strategized. He had easily jumped out of reach, allowing one of his red swords to take his place. Clashing with Sandalphon's own.

While Sandalphon and Belial continued their one on one battle, Gran had begun to lead Astria as far as possible from the two. But had stopped at the sight of their beloved crewmates...

Rackam... Katalina... Io... Rosetta... Eugen and even Lyria and Vryn laid unconscious onto the deck. Covered in fresh bruises and cuts. How had they been so easily beaten in such a small amount of time? Katalina, Rackam, and Rosetta were excellent fighters. Yet so easily beaten by mere swords. The fallen angel's power was beyond comprehension... Gran had rushed over to the nearest body; Lyria and Vryn. Checking for any serious wounds before moving to the next, then the next until he had checked everyone. 

"They're still alive... but injured. No serious wounds... Astria please go find a place to hide. Sandalphon and I will take care of Belial" 

"What no! I can help too, you and Sandalphon can't do this alone. Look at what he did to the others...he didn't even touch them!" Astria desperately tried to argue back, pleading for the captain to not continue the battle like this. 

But Gran simply raised a hand, motioning her to stop, "As captain... I order you to hide. Even so... We cannot let anyone else get hurt. Belial is interested in you and we cannot let him get to you. Now go hide" 

'He used his title on me...' Gran was one to never use such authority... unless absolutely needed. But she saw no need in this situation. It was merely common sense that they would not win against such a foe.

Astria bit down on her lip as she watched Gran turn and run off towards the two primals. Quickly helping Sandalphon slash at the fallen angel. The three were fighting furiously, to the death. 

Dodge, strike, charge, dodge, repeat all over. Was the motions they played. Except that Sandalphon and Gran were the only ones receiving blows. Belial hardly had any bruises. 

She didn't want to obey the captain's orders, but she had no choice as the battle was getting worse and more dangerous by each passing second. The deck and the bow of the Grandcypher were nearly destroyed from the current event. Astria had dragged her crewmates unconscious bodies out of the way. In where they would not get harmed... if that was possible with the events taking place. Once the deck was cleared of her crewmates, Astria felt proud that she did at least something to help.

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